I am

Discussion in 'Archives' started by AlexleHoshi, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    I am the protagonist yet the antagonist
    I am the hero but also the villain
    I am the light in the darkness which I am also
    I am the right way and the wrong way
    I am kind as well as cruel
    I am an angel that is the devil as well
    I am good and pure evil at the same time

    Only one thing can be all these at one time
    But thinking about it may not bring the answer
    Unless you know


    What you are.


    I wrote this awhile ago after I googled Silent Hill and I was reading up on Alessa/dark Alessa and how Cheryl (from the game) and Sharon (from the film) are half of her soul / The good side of her soul and since Alessa and Cheryl/Sharon are the same person I came up with this poem on how we all are good and bad.