OK. He pushes me around! He punches me and my friends! He even wants to fight to the death! I am SICK of him! Ya' hear me?! SICK! Whenever he sees me or one of my friends, he wants to fight! I am trying to avoid him Everyday! I want him to STOP! I just wanna kill em'! *Huff Puff*
Okay, two things are coming to my mind here, 1. Have you asked him to back off? 2. Have you told an adult about this. I suppose number two could wait until it is absolutely necessary, but if he does persist tell someone any they can maybe get him to stop.
You have to be persistent, keep telling someone he is still doing it and that he is not sorry. Don't just give up after telling them once, keep at it until he stops.
well if his attacks are serious and it does leave injuries, you can call the police, i gurantee that he will stop after the police have a word with him.
I'm sorry to hear that, I've been in a similar situation way too many times before. The best advice from me is very hard, I know. And it won't stop the guy from pushing you around immediately, but if you just ignore him as well as you can, he might back off after a while. This does require a lot of patience, so I can totally understand if you can't do this. It took me years to do the same, and I failed several times. The rest of the advice isn't as reliable, and it might make him lash out at you even worse, rather than make him back off. If you snap back at him, think a bit about what you say, don't say the first thing(s) that comes to your mind. Put as much contempt, pity and sarcasm in to your voice as you can. Either it will humiliate him enough to leave you alone, or it will make him want revenge on you, so be ready for that. Avoid getting physical. Of course, if he does attack you, you pretty much have to defend yourself, but watch out from antagonizing him. Do not start a fight, but if he gets in your face, shove him back a bit, and tell him to back off. I hope some of that advice helps you!
And just in case~! try talking to the guy's parents. you'll never know if the dude can't fight his own parents. If not, then you can't let him beat you at all. But don't go beating him at his own game. Out smart him. Get to know him a little bit more, probably, if possible, find out why he's doing this. Then you can take that step and move ahead of him! If nothing works, result to -as mentioned- the police or a therapist. .-.
Eh? I have the similar problem, but my friends don't-knock that sucker in the face. I almost did it today to the kid that always pushes me around. Or just distance yourself from him. When he comes by just walk away OR tell a teacher as stupid as it sounds. It kind of helps.
I've met people like this. Got in a little incident like this today. I was being pushed around while leaving class by someone in my class, so I just pushed him into a desk...and he got hurt. Best solution is to fight back but don't take it out of hand, however when things DO get out of hand, get parental/police attention.
I'm afriad this is powndage time.Get your friends and fight him.teach him a lesson.Obviously he'll never be sorry and he won't stop no matter how many adults you tell.Pound him and that should knock some sense into him.If it comes to an adult that he tells, you all have an absolutely solid reason for what you'd done.
That's awful : o Really sorry to hear about it : ( But...I'm afraid I don't have any good advice for you, save the ones that have already been given...
He's not worth killing or much of anything. If he touches you, push him off and tell him to get lost and he's not worth your time. If he's hitting you and your friends, he's obviously a moron since more than one person would be able to mess him up. He has issues of some sort and the best thing to do is to stand firm that he needs to stop and move on. If he is challenging you all at the same time, hitting you, all of you push him off and go on about your business. Tell someone like a teacher that he is getting physical with you guys and that it's really starting to get on your nerves. Tell them also that every time he says 'sorry' he never means it and this is a repeat problem. If he wants to keep going too, tell your parents who may make more of a stink about it to the school. Also, if the other kids' parents do the same, the school will be more forced to act and take this more seriously. Since he's hitting more than one of you, if it ever gets to a drag out fight, just stick together and help each other out. No matter how good he is, he's not going to be able to take on a group of people unless he's Bruce Lee. Why though does this kid not like you guys? Finding out the reason why he is this way is important. Hell, maybe just ask him 'what is your problem with us?' might get some response. You should try to figure out what his deal is so you know how better to handle the situation.
You know what people like that hate most of all? It's when you ignore them or just smile at them and say nothing.