See, not this is what I mean by picking up a new style. I love how it's so bright and the colors just blend beautifully. Great work 9/10.
It's nicee. It's too bright though. I see how your trying to pick something different. Try adding some negative space (?). Add more dark sources. The text is better now, but still needs work. Just go to dafont and find some fonts you like. DL 'em and start using 'em Overall, nice job.
Geez, I wish I could make sigs like that. I don't have the time or access to the photoshop tutorials, so I have to draw mine out! Yours looks great!
Hm.... The stock is oversharped, and it's pretty bright, but that's not a bad thing. It's kinda weird how you hasve those random splatter spots, cause they don't match the sig at all. They seem abit too close, as well. The text needs to be a more yellowish color, IMO. Also, you have all this lighting, but it's not doing anything. Dodge parts of the tag, as well as lightly brush parts, and burn parts not affected too.The tag, overalll, really doesn't flow. also, I don't really get it. :/ Anyways, just touch it upa little and it'll be 10x better.