I am back after 6 months of being inactive.

Discussion in 'Introductions & Departures' started by koanga, Jun 2, 2009.

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  1. koanga Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 28, 2007
    Many of you don't know me, but I'd like to re-introduce myself after not posting for a lengthy 6 months.

    I'm a bit of a good sentence person, around last Christmas I would usually end up typing sentences that hardly made any sense.

    Anyways, a bit more about me:
    I'm obviously male, and I used to LOVE playing Kingdom Hearts, now I just haven't really touched it for a while. I program in a few computer languages, and I work for my friend, whom, as of the last month, has been gathering web language coders to build a website.
    I love to swim and play sports, but the only sport I am enrolled in is swimming.
    Hmm, what else? I guess that is enough to tide you guys over, and I guess I'll see you around.

    (My join date is indeed May of 07, I just have never posted until somewhere around last year, odd of me huh?).
  2. Ultimecia sorceress

    Aug 19, 2008
    my castle.
    welcome back.
    read the rules, because they've changed since you were last here.
    see you around the site.
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