I am alone

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Laplace, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    You think I have everything I could wish
    But I am alone in this world
    You think that the material things bring me happiness and peace
    You are so wrong in that

    I just want to be with you, I can´t take this too much
    That I wasn´t alone anymore
    I am alone in the shadows
    My sadness I can hardly swallow

    You think I am not alone
    Again, you are wrong
    The money doesn´t brings me happiness
    And is not going to do it the power

    I just wish I could be with you
    Why the destiny was so cruel with us?
    I wish I was able to caress your face
    That I wasn´t alone in this land

    Why you are so far away from my hands?
    So far away, yet close to my heart
    I am so sad
    That everything can hit me down

    I wish I could embrace your body
    But right now my heart is rotting
    I wish I haven´t lost you time ago
    So I wasn´t so alone now

    Why I must be so lonely?
    Why I felt I wasted my entire life in nothing?
    I don´t know what to think anymore
    Why think, if I am alone

    Not depressed, just in a mood to write something random =D.