I've always loved Naruto for the intricate fights, art, and good story (for the most part). Crazy hipsters hatin' on it because it's popular, and to a point I agree, but that's because of 3rd party franchises totally screwing it up. However, the Ultimate Ninja Storm Series have done it perfect so far and that's why I love these games.
While I do agree that there is plenty of hate against the series from people who have never seen it (this is mostly due to the fan base the show has around it), there are actually several people who have sat down through a good chunk of it and dislike it.
I will admit, that was pretty cool. I've yet to watch a full walkthrough of the first two games to learn of how they do them, and I started a walkthrough of the third game, but now I'm interested to see how they do the other fights, because that was really cool.
Actually that is somewhat accurate. Although like what creature said, there are some people that actually dislike the show for a legitimate reason. Well in my opinion honestly
The fact that you think it's true either means you never watched/read Naruto or you did and you never watched/read anything good.
The fillers pretty much kill every show they show up in. I just watched the second season of D.Gray-Man and all of it except for the first and last episodes were fillers. So the popularity dropped off and Funimation isn't dubbing Season 3.