
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Aug 25, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((If you are joining in late, then if you are an oracle, then we'll just have to say that you escaped differently. I'll figure somethen out ^_^ ))

    The year is 2012 within the world, and things have not truelly changed all the much. World war 3 had broken out 3 years ago, once terrorist activity began to kick up once again, and also due to corruption within the United States, and their new crusade in order to ‘spread democracy’ to every nation, and in doing so, America has become terribly corrupt. Fossil fuels are becoming rare, slowly disappearing, which raises prices for it, making people begin to riot, and such. The second Great Depression has also begun, putting the country in turmoil while money is wasted on war. Things such as tanks, jets, and other tools of war are soon to become obsolete, and there for, the government has began experimenting on the next step of war machines. People began to suggest ‘why not take the next step? Why not take things a step further, and create something that doesn’t need fuel? Why not create the perfect soldier? It has been suggested on things such as tv shows. Why not make it a reality? And so, they started be recruiting more people for the army. A good 50 were drafted by the army, only to end up being tricked by their very own country. They were split into 2 groups though. The first group was sent to be experimented on, and once the process was completed, then they were imprisoned within the perfect cell, putting them all in total solitary confinement. Each one, having some form of memory loss, whether it be the tiny details, to only being able to remember your childhood, to not even knowing your own name. As for the other group, it is not certain what happened to them at the moment. Though now, this thread shall begin to take place at exactly 3:00 AM in the morning, whether you are awake or not, as the sound of a scream can be heard down the hall way, followed by a sickening sound, and a tearing noise is heard. 2 gaurds go running past your cell, and you can only imagine what exactly is going on, as more noises can be heard down in the hallway. And then, you can only sit there, as you hear loud thuds on the ground, and a heavy breathing, followed with the sound of something heavy being dragged on the ground. And you only sit there, and pray within your confinement cell, that this thing, whatever it may be, does not kill you next, as you hear the footsteps get lighter, and farther, as they carry on down the hall. And you are left at this precise moment in time, and this is where your legacy begins…..

    Alrite, so that basicly described the whole thing. World is in a lot of turmoil here, haven some issues, right? Well thanks to what’s been goin on, things are about to get worse. Now, I’m gonna give you the rules, as well as a few things that’ll clear some of the stuff up. Oh ya, and also, it is gonna be taken place in New York city, alrite

    No godmodding
    I am actually ok with cursing, even if you use it a lot. Just don’t over abuse, like using it in EVERY single post. Not for nothen, but it gets annoyen….
    Keep it all pg13. Kiss, hug, do whatever. If you wanna do anything beyond that, then sure, go ahead, whatever, cuz unlike most people, I don’t believe in that kind of stuff bein perverted, but just do a time skip or somethen, will ya, cuz we don’t want younger audiances learning to far ahead of their time, lmao
    Ok now, there are 4 different kinds of charecters in this thread. Civilians, which are just normal people, obviously, who simply live in New York city.
    Next comes military officers, which basicly work for the military, and will be after those that have escaped.
    third up is the oracles, which is the first half that was experimented on. They are refered to oracles, due to their ‘unique’ abilities. Even though what has happened to them is some what unpredictable, the experiments have basicly given them more super human like abilities. More will be explained in the bio’s
    And then, finally, the Hybrids. Nasty little buggers really. I don’t want to get into to much about them right now, but if you want this kind of a character, then you’ll have to pm me.

    Race: (civilian, military, oracle)
    Weapons: (you’ll have to find a weapon through reasonable conditions. You cant just start out with one if you are an oracle, unless ur powers some how have to do with it)
    Powers: (they have to be explainable in the explanation section)
    Explanation: (this part is a bit annoying, but, is nescesary. Basicly, since your powers were obtained through science, you have to be able to explain them through science. Take being able to set things on fire for instance. Through a sci-fi stand point, you would have to explain that you set things on fire with your mind more then your body, by concentrating on a certain area, and making it so hot, that whatever you concentrate on sets on fire. If you are doing it to metal, then it heats up a lot. Do it to skin, and it shall begin to burn. Do it to a gas station, and big boom :D . Don’t worry, no big time explanations. Just something brief is all I need. If you want to ask about a certain power that you want to use but can’t find a way to explain how it is possible, then plz say something to me )
    History: (civilians and military can put this down. As for oracles, this is a nonnescesity, unless you want to put down what your character is able to remember)

    bio list:

    Name: Eric (real name unknown)
    Age: 18
    Race: oracle
    Weapons: none
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Cold towards many others, self centered in many ways, and such, though it is really just an outer appearance. On the inside, he does not like to hurt anyone, fears death, and tries to preserve life as much as he can. Problem is though that ever since he had been experimented on though, he has had a growing blood lust, and has been losing that kinder side to himself.
    Powers: His body has been altered unlike all of the other oracles, and is no longer truelly human. He can appear human, but his body has gained the ability to morph, and he can control his skin, turning his arms into monster like arms with sharp claws, creating spikes from his back, or anywhere else on his body, the ability to extend his body more then others. Whenever he kills someone, he has the ability to absorb their body, and transform into them, as well as gain memories, and knowledge which they hold. All other abilities are still to come, and have not been discovered yet
    Explanation: one of the first ones who was experimented on. Unlike most of the oracles, he was taken in with most of the other 25 that were experimented on. His body has been implemented with all new forms of energy, different chemicals, the DNA of recently discovered oceanic species from the deep bottem of the oceon, and because of it, his body has become altered. Further explanation cannot further be provided until the continuousy of the thread
    History: All memories have disappeared. His only memories are of E.R.I.C, which he took as his name, but otherwise, he is totally clueless

    Name: Yuri
    Age: 12
    Race: Oracle
    Appearance: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x155/hitna3510/Other Amine/Teens/027650.jpg
    Personality: Shy, timid and doesn't trust anyone anymore due to her recent expirences and memory loss but when she gets to know someone she clings and depends on them and open up and acts very young, childish, and playful
    Powers: She is able to move things with her mind and control light. If I'm allowed to I'll have her powers progress through the rp
    Explanation: If she conserate on something hard enough and picture it moving it shall do so. he whole control light thing is a step up from being able to move things, or her telekiness. Basically she takes the light waves and move them closer together. They normally get hotter or colder, depending on the atmosphere. She can take the light and band them into whatever she wishes, also can cut things, well, she doesn't really cut things it only looks like that. She really takes the heat to burn through the objects.
    History: Growing up she was abused and normally someone her age wouldn't get mixed up in this kind of thing but her foster father, the one who saved her from her abusive parents, was a sciencist for the goverment. Her father got into trouble with the comdening officer and had to work all night for weeks on end. There was no one to take care of her during his work hours so she would stay with him. He fell asleep and she wondered off and got mixed up with the people who were ment to expirments on. Her memory was then wiped and she can only think of her past through dreams.

    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: 24
    Race: military
    Weapons: Not found one that won't break on him yet
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Arrogant and crude
    Powers: Uses "the darkness of the elements"
    Explanation: When Rik focuses his negative thoughts he can alter his dna making a substance similar to a mythical element and project it such as a lightning bolt from a chosen body part such as his index finger.
    These are projected through a more dark version and has been dubbed "the darkness of the elements", the reason behind this is because Rik uses his negative emotions as a medium for his ability.
    Anger: Fire
    Sadness: Water (has not gained)
    Aggression: Lightning (has not gained)
    Doubt: Earth (has not gained)
    Fear: Air (has not gained)
    History: He was raised in a small village in Japan until the age of 16 when he left for America with a few friends but they where killed in the cross fire of a military operation to kill an escaped experiment. Rik then joined the military to get revenge but he eventually became satisfied with the killing of civillians who rebeled. From this he was promoted and was experimented on with a new experiment that messed up his head making him psychotic but gave him his powers.

    Name: Blade
    Age: 18
    Race: Oracle
    Weapons: A huge broadsword
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm and quiet
    Powers: Energy manipulation
    Explanation: Blades powers is the ability to control energy particles and merge them together to form differnt things. He can use them to create weapons like swords (but not very powerful ones) , or just use it for attacking purposes like creating beams or use it for defence by creating sheilds
    History: Has lost a great amount of his memories. He doen't even remeber his true name so he just goes by the name Blade

    Name: Jordan Rain
    Age: 17
    Race: Military
    Weapons: a Golden Triton.
    Appearance: Brown Spiked Hair, White Cloak.
    Personality: Agressive,but yet caring
    Powers: Water and Ice.
    Explanation: It'll be like the ability to control his own molocules. Instead of breathing in oxygen, and breathing out nytrogen (Or whatever it is we breathe out), he be breathes out a type of water vapor which infects the air around him and others, which he has the ability to manipulate by using his arms and mind in unision in order to guide the water (this also means he can turn water into ice).

    Name: Jessie
    Age: 15
    Race: civilian
    Weapons: none (for now)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: She's very bubbly and cheerful, around people she knows but she's quite shy around strangers.
    Powers: none
    Explanation: She has no powers
    History: Just a normal teenage girl, she goes to school and has a family and friends, but she always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Name: Sin
    Age: 15
    Race: military
    Weapons: his own blood
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/...nime/41bea6e23e2aab0e086fc3717d45cf08.jpg?o=7
    Personality: Known as the facilities pacifist and lover boy. Before he became an oracle, he had a bad habit of showing off infront of girls a lot. He has a knack for being pretty mysterious though, which only seems to get people more interested in him
    Powers: the ability to control his blood, and manipulate it as a weapon. From hardening it to forming it into weapons. Whatever you can think of
    Explanation: This ability is very similure to that Jordan's ability. The difference in it though is that once he has control over the air around him, he releases his own blood into the air, and because he can large such a large area of moisture, he is able to manipulate his blood once it is in the air. His blood also contains special iron particles within it, allowing him to manipulate it so that it can be used as a dangerous weapon
    History: Son of the head scientist who had directed the Hybrid experiment. Not too much is known about him, but he was basicly one of the experiments, since he, himself, had volunteered.

    Name: 107 (no actual name)
    Age: 12
    Race: military oracle
    Weapons: own body
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: he has a blank personality. he literally feels nothing.
    Powers: the same as Erics
    Explanation: just like erics
    History: son of the head scientist of the Hybrid project, and younger brother of Sin

    Name: Jarred
    Age: 16
    Race: military oracle
    Weapons: sword (specially made by the government)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Kind, always upbeat, and usually does whatever is told. He does not like any negative moods, due to his beliefs, of how negativity shortens the life, and so he is usually refered to as 'mr.sunshine'
    Powers: rapid cell repiar (in other words, healing)
    Explanation: his creation was very different from many of the other oracles. They used special sugar serums, and used it as a virus to infect all of his cells, causing them to work 10x faster then any normal persons cells. By forcing them to work faster, the minute a wound opens, a bone breaks, or any form of injury occurs in the body for that matter, then it can easily regenerate it, though it does need to rest for 5 minutes tops. Unless he is defeated quickly, and has is completely obliterated, he is, in other words, immortal. He literally is the start of mans fountain of youth
    History: An orphan child. The orphanage which he lived in was going to be run down, but, the government came in, and offered him the chance to save it with this special money offer. The reason why they chose him was because of his unique abilities with a sword, which he used in tournaments to try and raise funds for the orphanage. In doing so, he ended up becoming just anouther oracle

    Name: Toxin (real name unknown)
    Age: 22
    Race: military oracle
    Weapons: prefers to use guns, usually colts
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He usually enjoys hanging around on his own, since he usually gets into fights whenever he hangs around people. He has anger issues, which made him perfect to be a candidate as an oracle
    Powers: toxin release (he releases toxic gas from his body)
    Explanation: they basicly messed around with his brains and nerves. By doing what was still experimental brain surgery, they were able to connect his brain to his skin nerves, by using connections which allowed him to smell, so that he may have control over his skin pores. Basicly, he has the ability to control just how much waste he can excel from his body. Usually, it would come out as B.O, but for him, he can excell them so much, and combine so many different bodily chemicles that he creates a poisen toxin from it, while being only able to breathe, but not being able to smell his own waste. In doing so, if he is releasing this gas, then it is very dangerous to be near by him. These gasses that he makes can go from simply being able to knock someone out, to suffocating someone to death.
    History: He signed up for the army not to long ago, having a long history of anger management. He has no friends, no family, and so he was perfect to be picked up and used for their experiments. It did not take him to long to agree though, since he believed that if he were able to fight, then it would be able to help him deal with his anger management issues

    Name: Kyle
    Age: 38
    Race: military
    Weapons: military gear
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is a good sport about everything. He seems more like your average joe then someone who is in the military. You would never be able to guess just how important his job is. He tends to be easy about a lot of things, and is a good person at heart, and believes completely in what he is doing. According to him, if you stand and think about what your doing for a second, then you'll end up being that poor unlucky guy who gets hit in the head with a meteor (in other words, he has horrible metaphors as well)
    Powers: no powers. Perfectly human
    History: he has always been a member of the military, and always has been watched by the higher ups of the government. They had originally wanted to put him through the oracle project, but instead, found an even greater use for him. He was brought into such ranks so that he may be put in charge of all of the oracles, so that he may assist in keeping them in order

    Name: Shane
    Age: 30
    Race: military oracle
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Is very much of a loner, and does not talk all that much. He prefers to get things done quickly and quietly without any problems. Very anti-social
    Powers: wind control (or very close to that)
    Explanation: basicly the same as Toxin's, except whenever he releases gasses from his body, then the gasses evapurate, and all that comes out is strong gusts of air. How those gusts can come out can go from very wide ranges to small, sharp ranges.
    History: An amnesia patient. No one really knows about his history. Not even himself

    Name: Daisuke
    Age: 15
    Race: military
    Weapons: prefers guns
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Kind, is usually nice to people, helps others out whenever he can. He and Sin are 1 of 3 in a certain trio which they have formed due to their friendships, so he obviously isn't anti-social
    Powers: electricity
    Explanation: using the electric currents which are sent through the body, scientists were able to enhance them so they move at a stronger rate, so that not only can he create dangerous volts of electricity within his body, but he can release them as if they were lighting using the pours of his body. The electricity can only hit metal though. Also because of the increased brain activity, he can do things such as wiggling his ears.
    History: a best friend of Sin's for a long time. When Sin went into the surgery, Daisuke also seemed very aptible due to his lack of family, and so he went in for the experimentation as well since he was more willing then the people who were forced to go through with it

    Name: Paul
    Age: 15
    Race: military oracle
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Always thinks (and usually is) right about everything. He acts like a complete and total hot shot, in his own stuck up way. Hard to really get along with the kid
    Powers: the ability to make fire
    Explanation: by concentrating on a certain area, and making it so hot, that whatever you concentrate on sets on fire. If you are doing it to metal, then it heats up a lot. Do it to skin, and it shall begin to burn. Do it to a gas station, and big boom .
    History: The perfect candidate for the testings, as well as anouther of Sin's friends. Because of him being such an A student, and being one of the countries "brightest thinkers", they assumed him to be perfect for the testing for the fire ability, since it would take someone of his intellegence to be able to master such an ability. So now he is anouther oracle in the military

    Name: Experiment 128 "Loose Cannon"


    Race: (hybrid)

    Weapons: none

    Personality: sadistic, twitchy, cannabilistic, impulsive, poor grammer, all around not a nice guy

    Powers: same as eric's (deathsight said so)

    History: will be explained through out story
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Sorry that this took sooo long :sweatdrop:

    Name: Yuri
    Age: 12
    Race: Oracle
    Appearance: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x155/hitna3510/Other Amine/Teens/027650.jpg
    Personality: Shy, timid and doesn't trust anyone anymore due to her recent expirences and memory loss but when she gets to know someone she clings and depends on them and open up and acts very young, childish, and playful
    Powers: She is able to move things with her mind and control light. If I'm allowed to I'll have her powers progress through the rp
    Explanation: If she conserate on something hard enough and picture it moving it shall do so. he whole control light thing is a step up from being able to move things, or her telekiness. Basically she takes the light waves and move them closer together. They normally get hotter or colder, depending on the atmosphere. She can take the light and band them into whatever she wishes, also can cut things, well, she doesn't really cut things it only looks like that. She really takes the heat to burn through the objects.
    History: Growing up she was abused and normally someone her age wouldn't get mixed up in this kind of thing but her foster father, the one who saved her from her abusive parents, was a sciencist for the goverment. Her father got into trouble with the comdening officer and had to work all night for weeks on end. There was no one to take care of her during his work hours so she would stay with him. He fell asleep and she wondered off and got mixed up with the people who were ment to expirments on. Her memory was then wiped and she can only think of her past through dreams.
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Lol. sorry for the hassle. Thread might be dead by now though.....

    as for your bio, I can accept it, accept for the visions. You can have senses which can predict near by 'evil' intentions, or something of that sort, sort of like an instinctal thing, but actually having visions steps a little far out of the sci-fi theme that I ahd imagined. Are you alrite with that?))
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    gah at dead thread

    and yes that is fine

    I'll change it the next time I am online but I got to go now
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((K. If the thread picks up by some miracle, then I'll add ur bio to bio list, k))
  6. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: 24
    Race: military
    Weapons: Not found one that won't break on him yet
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Arrogant and crude
    Powers: Uses "the darkness of the elements"
    Explanation: When Rik focuses his negative thoughts he can alter his dna making a substance similar to a mythical element and project it such as a lightning bolt from a chosen body part such as his index finger.
    These are projected through a more dark version and has been dubbed "the darkness of the elements", the reason behind this is because Rik uses his negative emotions as a medium for his ability.
    Anger: Fire
    Sadness: Water (has not gained)
    Aggression: Lightning (has not gained)
    Doubt: Earth (has not gained)
    Fear: Air (has not gained)
    History: He was raised in a small village in Japan until the age of 16 when he left for America with a few friends but they where killed in the cross fire of a military operation to kill an escaped experiment. Rik then joined the military to get revenge but he eventually became satisfied with the killing of civillians who rebeled. From this he was promoted and was experimented on with a new experiment that messed up his head making him psychotic but gave him his powers.
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: wow. ANd here I thought the thread was good. Very good to see it still active ^_^

    I am hopen to get 1 more person to join, so we'll start tommorow. But you are definatly accepted.
  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Name: Blade
    Age: 18
    Race: Oracle
    Weapons: A huge broadsword
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm and quiet
    Powers: Energy manipulation
    Explanation: Blades powers is the ability to control energy particles and merge them together to form differnt things. He can use them to create weapons like swords (but not very powerful ones) , or just use it for attacking purposes like creating beams or use it for defence by creating sheilds
    History: Has lost a great amount of his memories. He doen't even remeber his true name so he just goes by the name Blade

    I was going to make this a long time ago but I was to lazy to think of anything and was I was ready I thought this tread was dead
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: Lol. I thought the thread was dead to. I'm glad RA made the bio, or else no one would've even thought of joinen, lol.

    Hopefully I can get a few more to join even, but besides that, your charecter is accepted. He'll have to come across the broad sword later though, and you'll have to find out the right conditions for it. After all, it is the year 2012, and its pretty hard to come across a sword, ya know what I'm sayen?
  10. Akua WaterDragonKing Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 30, 2007
    By the Ocean
    Name: Jordan Rain
    Age: 17
    Race: Military
    Weapons: a Golden Triton.
    Appearance: Brown Spiked Hair, White Cloak.
    Personality: Agressive,but yet caring
    Powers: Water and Ice.
    Explanation: It'll be like the ability to control his own molocules. Instead of breathing in oxygen, and breathing out nytrogen (Or whatever it is we breathe out), he be breathes out a type of water vapor which infects the air around him and others, which he has the ability to manipulate by using his arms and mind in unision in order to guide the water (this also means he can turn water into ice).
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: so then we can assume that, like fayte's charecter, he purposly signed up to be experimented on, right? (just to make sure)

    also, I'll start adding bio's now. Good news is, we can start today.

    bad news is that after that I'm gonna be gone for 3 days :sweatdrop:
  12. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    OOC: So we can start, and btw Akua we breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide and the other way round for plants (science lesson)
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: tell that one to me actually. I'm the one who said nitrogen (I forgot what it was called, and nitrogen popped into my head, so that was what I said to him). Either way though, the concept is understandable

    and yes, we can. We'll start off inside of our cells hearing the noise, and then that is when things will begin to take place.
  14. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    OOC: even the military officers?
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: dam, 4got you were military. We should probably wait for someone else to get online also, but when military charecters start off, they'll be waking up from their quarters from all of the screams. I'll make first post

    bic: A growling noise could be heard down the hall way from where Rik's quarters, where a few bodies had layed infront of. Gaurds, who had been infront of his quarters. Blood splattered across the walls, and even on the floor itself was a large trail of blood, as if someone had been dragged off.
  16. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    OOC: I get it now

    BIC: Rik stumbled to the door of his quaters and slipped falling into it, he was still drowsy from the experiment. He pulled himself to the gap in the door where they would speak to him through it. He looked looked through the rectangle, closeable frame and gased at the dead bodies unsure of what did it although he could hear roars and screams in the corridoor.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    A hooded figure passed by Rik's window for just a moment, and looked inside, to see Rik staring out. He then looked up, to take note of the name tag up top, giving a specific army rank and everything. He then turned his head, and continued walking forward.
  18. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik watched as the hooded figure passed by, he tried to open the door then realising it's locked, "I forgot, they lock them in case we lose it" he said to himself as he stood back and started kicking the door.
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    The man's foot steps travled down the halls, and quite conveniantly, as of a sudden, the power went out in the entire base, only to be replaced by dimmed, red lighting. Buzzing noises could be heard, as the locks on all the doors in the area could be heard as well, as the titanium bars which kept the doors shut slid out of their locks, allowing people to exit quickly from wherever they may have been trapped.
  20. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik heard the lock on the door click open and saw the lights go out, That means... he quickly slammed the door open and ran down the corridoor in the same direction the hooded figure went.
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