I know there are already threads about this in The Spam Zone, but I figured we needed a play to discuss only the hurricane without jokes. There are several articles in this link regarding it. Everyone in the affected areas, please stay safe. You're in my prayers.
Mom took this photo literally hours before the power went out: Luckily this 100-ft pine only took out a portion of the fence, not the neighbor's shed and thank God it didn't fall toward the house. Everyone back home is okay, the generator has kicked in and f course Mom's practically dancing around that she caved in and bought one. I've still been watching the storm carefully: nothing feels worse than seeing this massive superstorm pounding on your family's door and you're on the other side of the planet, unable to do much of anything except hope and pray.
I'm watching the live stream on Youtube, and people are getting hit really hard. A crane partially collapsed in NYC. All you east-coasters be safe please Anyone who wants to watch:
Sadly, at least 38 people killed (most of them killed by falling trees) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/30/hurricane-sandy-storm_n_2042815.html R.I.P.
Most of my town including myself has no power and wont for atleast 3 or more days... Right now My house is running off a generator for some things and I'm posting this from my step dad's parents house. So Yeah I have no idea how I'm goin to surivive...