Hurricane Academy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DesX, Jan 29, 2008.

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  1. DesX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 29, 2008
    Hurricane Academy, an extraordinary school of excellence. Here, students may learn the many ways of the warrior, ninja, magician, and many other things. Most of the students that leave this school leave as masters in the arts that they have chosen. Though the path that they choose upon leaving, rather it be good or evil, is left entirely up to them.
    Outside of the schools walls, but still on campus, lies a vast forest to the east. To the west is the open sea with a long and beautiful beach. There are islands off in the distance that have their own climate and unique ecosystems. To the south is a series of canyons and valleys void of much of any life except for a few birds and lizards that roost and nest their. The north contains a vast expanse of mountain ranges with some peaks reaching up into the heavens themselves. The school sits at the center of all of this.

    Short description ehh? What more could I say?

    Ok heres what you do, since this RP is mostly a romance/action adventure, there is fighting, love and all of that stuff. But if you wish to be a loner and just want to fight, fine by me. Be whatever you feel because like a highschool, everyone has their own preferences. This RP starts on the first day of the first semester.

    -No God Modding
    -No PKing (player-killing)
    -Romance is highly Encouraged(but no overly intimate things)
    -Use "OOC:" when you need to say something not about the rp
    -Don't Overdo the Violence. Keep it somewhat moderate.
    -Be literate!
    -Do Have Fun!
    -Post "Hurricane Academy is teh best!" at the top of your template if you've read all of the rules.

    Age: (keep it within 14-19 since this is a highscool)
    Appearance: (be as descriptive as possible)
    Dorm Number: (pick between 100-200,300-400,500-600 and you will have a roommate or two! It can't be male and female)
    Major: (pick two- ex. alchemy, swordsmanship, ninjutsu)
    Schedule: (six classes-must correspond with your major. include your lunch period as well)

    And thats it! I need as many members as possible so join join join!
    We Are Still Accepting Members!!!
    My Character

    Name: Yamiryu Higenki (nick: Ryu)
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Ryu is somewhat kept to himself but can be outgoing. Ryu is a little shy when talking to someone of the opposite gender as well. Ryu is also a dedicated worker when it comes to his studies and is self-disciplined.
    Dorm Number: 120
    Major: Ninjustu and Weapon Usage

    Tool Crafting
    P.E. (yep we still have P.E.)
    Human Anatomy
    History of Sword Arts and Techniques
  2. Luna561 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 16, 2007
    here...there...anywhere you see me!
    Name: Alex (full name is Alexander)
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: he is a little kind but he is hates everything.
    Dorm Number: 120
    Major: swordsmanship, ninjutsu

    Ninjutsu training
    Sword crafting
    P.E. (yep we still have P.E.)
    Human Anatomy
    History of Sword Arts and Techniques
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