Humour Unintended

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by LARiA, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    The unintentionally funny. For instance. I cannot look at Fernando Botero's works without cracking a grin, can you? It is the expressions on his enlarged characters, HURR DURR. The bullfight especially. They look constipated? It's of poor quality, it's of less humour. Not as funny I'm afraid, ah...

    (warning for some BDSM? I cannot even tell)


    ↓ Her eyes follow you.


    ↓ ...I don't quite follow.


    ↓ again, it's the expression over everything else


    There are quite a few that are rather more of a squick, but I willn't post because of the PG-13 guidelines, censoring our expression. Who am I kidding, when have I ever followed the guidelines - and besides, the nudeness is of an artistic nature and should therefore be valid. It is more to do with... but the lot of you would not care to see some fat ladies in the nick, now would you? I doubt it. So I'll save it, hide the view.