How would you feel if something...died?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by sora_101, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. sora_101 Hollow Bastion Committee

    What I'm about to talk about has nothing to do with kingdom hearts or any other game in particular. It doesn't have to do with the internet or your favorite music or anything about it. This has to do with anything that you favor. It is your reaction to a life slowly dripping away from this world.

    I don't care if this is spam or not, but I put it in the discussion thread for what you do, what you feel, what you think of a dying life. Plant, animal, or human, or feeling, the factor can, and will, stay the same.

    I brought this up because my mom's a breeder, same wiyth my dad, and they both love dogs. We breed them, sell them, and get back on with our lives. Since the economy's screwed up in America, that's getting harder each month...

    Well, that's not why I brought it up. Why I brought this up is that my mom and dad are gone, so I have to watch my little brother. However, as I'm on the computer here, I hear loud screeches from the puppies. I came over there, to see what's going on. One of the puppies was not making an effort, screeching as loud as it can.

    I called my mom to see what's going on with the puppy. She said that she wasn't supposed to make it, and will pass away soon.

    I didn't want to give up so easily, so I tried everything I could; I gave him a small cup of milk, he couldn't drink. I tried to give the puppy to his/her mother, he didn't try to get some breast milk.

    So all I could do was to cuddle him for his/her last breaths. Eventually, she gave out. I saw no action, no bumb, no breath... pulse...​

    Imagine, being born as a pup. Can't breath properly, can't move, can't see. If you had a few seconds to live, and you couldn't do anything. It's probably the worst death ever, not to see the world around you...

    ...not to see your mother.

    ...not to have a history, or make an impact to others' lives.

    ...all you can do is to sit there...


    I hope you understand, I can be very emotional at time like this, so please forgive me.

    ~Sora 101
  2. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Really, IMO, most individual animals don't matter, especially if they're being bred, unless they have some emotional connection with a human (pet, etc), and then they really only matter to that person. The animals that do matter, to me, are the endangered ones, since if the wrong species goes extinct, the repercussions could be massive and would be unforeseeable.

    As for human life, I don't think I'm qualified to judge, since I was able to take the news of 3 grandparents dying without much change in emotion at all, despite my lack of knowledge of an afterlife. I've tried to contemplate someone I know dying before, and I never felt a thing.
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    I was always very...emotional when it came to death. When I had one of my dogs die, I cried a lot for a whole day. When my grandparents' dog was put to sleep, I cried the entire day as well. The thought of one of their other dogs dying out in the streets when it ran away brought me to tears. Luckily, he came back.

    Now, the thought of losing a loved one really does terrify me. I know I'd react much differently to losing a loved one than to losing a pet. It's a lot differently for me. Even though I haven't really gone through that feeling of losing a loved one, I've been close. Just the thought of seeing something that breathe, eats, drinks, dying scares me.
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    If someone or something died in my arms...
    I have no conclusive answer to what i'd do really, it's not happened to me personally, but I have some idea.
    And I have to say it's not a nice feeling, when you see something you love or care about die, i'd either feel emotional or nothing at all.
    I cried at the death of my grandmother for most of the night and I didn't feel great for the week after.
    I just hope i'd be able to deal wit the situation, and not lose myself in grief.
  5. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    I get really emotional when one of my relatives or pets die. Especially when I found a couple of my close pets dead (one of them was torn to shreds, literally).

    My grandfather died recently and that was the one that affected me the most since me and my gramps were really close. I pretty much broke down and went into a crying fit for the next three days straight. When I stopped crying, I didn't laugh or talk much to anyone, even though I wanted to a lot of the time. When of my other relatives died a little while ago it didn't really affect me that much because we never really got to talk or know each other. But when it's someone who is really close who dies, it hurts a lot, it feels like something is missing from the whole picture that can never be filled again. I've managed to get a hold of myself now but even they tiniest thing related to grandpa sets me off crying.
  6. FinalF7 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 4, 2009
    Death is just something that happens, you can't control it and you shouldn't try. If something or someone was meant to die you just need to learn to accept that. I know this sounds harsh, but it's just the way things go.

    I've lost many people through my life time, my mom, all my grandparents, cousins, close family friends aunts and uncles. And my mom was the first funneral I ever went to and I didn't cry, I never cry at funnerals... because there's no point in it.
  7. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    This isn't something I've had much experience with, but each one has been pretty bad.
    A few years ago my great grandfather died, and we went to go see him at the hospital. Now, he didn't speak any English, so I didn't even know the guy, but when I saw his dead body on the bed I just couldn't help but burst into tears. I don't know if the pain was emotional (Like I said I didn't really know him), but there was pain, and I didn't like it.

    I was also homeschooled for two years by my Grandma, who breeds and sells wolf-dog hybrids. I'm sure you can see where this is going. For a while, I'd come to school and hear, "X dog had Y amount of puppies, and only Z survived". That was a downer, but seeing the ones that made it always made it better, and it was never really a big deal in the first place. However, one time I got to school particularly early and got to see one of them actually giving birth. I loved it, I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen...until one of them was stillborn(Came out of the womb already dead). Boy, did that ruin my day. I was so bummed out by the sight of it, I didn't even crack a smile for the rest of that day. There were other times when some puppies were born with birth defects (i.e., lack of eyes, noses, ears, genitalia, buttholes, etc.), and i ended up seeing them dead. And the sight of them always just made me...ugh, I hated it.

    I think it's just the sight of it that gets to me, because hearing that they or someone died never got to me in the same way. When I heard my great grandpa died, I barely flinched. When I saw him, I burst into tears.
  8. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Ah. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. But who can stop death? No one. It's part of the cycle that moves on without stopping. If it stopped moving, no one would be born as well. It's something that we have to catch up to. There is a hypothesis called the Red Queen Hypothesis is that if this world had enough in it's place, would we need to die nor be born? No. We have to run as fast as we can to catch up to the pace of this rapid changing world. Death happens everyday and even if there was a cure to it, that would be immortality or saving a life for a longer time before they pass away.

    I lost a grandfather when I was a 7th grader. I thought he was gonna make it and live so I can play with him, we both play korean checkers, and have him take care of us. Since he died, I thought the world was just a sham and I refused to believe he was dead. Now, I accept it and maybe it's okay to be dead. It sometimes relieves those who has too much pain in their lives and live in a place where they don't fear death anymore.

    Now what you mentioned in that last part would be bad. It's like infanticide a hundred or more years ago. Done by dominant men who wanted only their children living and not the weak ones. I find that terrible. There could've been a way to make it live but then it would be against my religion to do such a thing to go against something that cannot be stopped like death.

    I'm sorry for your loss. I pray for your loss. *purrs*
  9. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    I suppose you may call me a tad insensitive, but I am not very concerned over the death of those whom I did not know personally, or at least through their deeds. This, I would assume, would be because I would not have any emotional ties to stem my mourning of their death off of. In the context of the puppy and similar examples however, immediate deaths like the above are completely understandable, and I indeed would feel something for them. I would also, of course, feel horrible for the death of a loved one, be it human, animal, or perhaps even a plant I enjoyed taking care of in my spare time. Essentially, it is easier to mourn the death of something if you held any previous emotional connections to it.
  10. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    There are three significant deaths in my life. Each of them did something to me. What each really meant to me, I still wonder. But I have my own ideas.

    The first was a distant relative. Old age/sickness. We went to her funeral; I got to meet some people in my family, and I mostly just hung out. It wasn't a big deal for me because I didn't know her personally. But it was open casket, so I was allowed to approach the body. As I did, I felt... heavier. Not physically. I felt like something inside me was being pressured. And I got this overwhelming feeling like she was going to jump up and suddenly be alive. I still don't know what to make of that experience.

    The second was the death of one of my cats, Puddy Tat. (I know, I know... My mother named her.) She was loud, she was obnoxious, she was bossy, she shed, she made life a living hell for any other animal in the house... But when she stopped eating and her cries grew weaker, I felt like suddenly I'd been a horrible person to her all this time. I spent as much time with her as I could, until it was her time to go. I didn't feel much immediately, and I haven't cried over her yet, but I do miss her. Now I use her death as a constant reminder that even the things in my life that I dislike or that have no redeeming qualities (Not that she didn't have any, mind you) have purpose and should be cherished. Rhyth of Jet Set Radio Future says it best in a comment on her hometown: "I love everything about Tokyo, even the things I hate."

    The third was a close friend, who I only knew online. She had been through so much, suffered so much hardship. When I first met her, she was a cutter. And illness is what finally brought her down in the end. She had so much promise, and fate decided to kill her off regardless. She's the first one I cried over. I didn't think of it at the time, but her passing may have made me contemptuous of death. Now I seek the "death of death;" the day when man will achieve such richness of life that it will not so easily end. Of course, I don't know what lies beyond; perhaps my dream is already a reality. Regardless, I hate that this world took her away. I think I would feel the same if anyone I knew in person were to die.

    I guess that's my answer in a nutshell. I despise death. "It's a part of the cycle of life;" "people must die so others can be born;" "life can't be truly appreciated unless it ends;" "death has a purpose;" bullshit. I don't buy it. Death is useless. It is inane. The only thing that should die is death itself.
  11. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...

    I can say one thing this is no small sunbject and thank you for bringing it up. My thought on the subject is that life always has a meaning no matter how small of a life it is or was, that poor puppy was probably ment to die for reason I know thats not very nice saying that something was ment to die but I think it's true. Also it's not true that he/she didn't impact a life he/she did YOURS, he/she made you think of this thread and the impact he/she made is quite unique it's made you think of how short exsistance really is and to take how of all you can get. I can't really talk because the only member of my family (and for a short time that puppy was one of yours) to die was my grandfather and he died before I was born so I didn't meet him but he still made a mager impact on my life. HTH
  12. khfreak123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 23, 2007
    is :noitacoL Spelled Backwards!
    When I was little... a humming bird hit our glass door... It was dieing and when it did die... I went to my parents room and cried for I don't know how long...