what exactly are you trying to do? are you trying to figure out how to enter codes or are you trying to ask how to use coder to boot burned discs?
For slim you need a moded slim PS2. For fat you need to make a tool that you slide under the drive and you pull the drive out, put the game in, then close it the same way you pulled it out. Then load the game.
You don't need a special slim. The slide tool is too dangerous, and replacing the flip top is a bit too complex and dangerous. Get Magic Switch Pro, open the case up, put the black cap on the spin-disk-button, superglue the other in the bottom-left corner of your drive (Otherwise it won't stay), and jam the last one in the upper-right in your drive.
I wouldn't know about the slide tool, but as for the Slim things, I personally have used both Magic Switch Pro and Flip-top and to me Magic Switch Pro is the too complex one. For Flip-top you only need to replace the tray rather than have to insert alot of different small things.
Actually the swap tool isn't that bad the only thing bad about it is having the door tray off exposing the ps2 for dust. I honestly don't see how pulling the tray gently out with it is dangerous. If your reckless or don't know your own strength then I would consider that dangerous. I believe a lot of people say that only b/c their fat ps2 dies from having weak lasers blaming the swap tool method. All you have to do is put a rag over the opened door tray to prevent dust from entering its that simple. Also you could just make a softmodded memory card called Free McBoot. I use that more than swap magic, plus I even have my own codebreaker installed in that memory card.