How many roleplaying characters do you use in your... roleplays. Could be just 1, or 2, maybe even over 20, for me, i use 5, yes their ponies but thats not important right now. Their all part of a family, and i have names for all of them. ThunderWing - 56 years old - Pegasus - Thunder element FrostBite - 57 years old - Pegasus - Water element (Prefers forming ice instead of water) ShockFury - 35 years old - Pegasus - inherited mothers power NightRose - 32 years old - Pegasus - inherited fathers power (Uses water mostly) AyannaGateau - 7 years old - Pegasus - Daughter of Rose, her power over water is weaker, and makes it much harder to use
I'm taking part in an RP where I have about 75 characters (no joke). But I only post with about 10 at a time
I don't have a set list of characters I use, I make new ones up for almost every RP. I'm only in one RP right now, so I only have two characters.
I guess I should've added that the RP I'm taking part in is a crossover, hence why I was able to get so many damn characters. One of them happens to be Wolf Blitzer :/
Mystic Rising all the way. I usually stick with three characters or less. The less, the better(character development!).
Too many. World 1 - Kosxmar Arik Crimsonrose - Flier. Primary ability to strip mutants of any and all abilities for a temporary time. Secondary ability of aerokinesis. John Patterson - Magnetism Matthew Crowley - Telepath Maxine Dresner - Pyrokinetic Alister Crowley - Cyrokinesis Astrid Crowley - Telepath Rafe Eldemar - Flier. Terrakinetic. Arik's second in command before John and Matthew arrive. Ivanov Afonik - Primary ability of Umbrakinesis. Secondary ability of Phobiakinesis. Konstantin Zharov - Pyrokinesis. Secondary charismatic ability. Yakov Malyeshev - Hydrokinetic. Secondary power of prediction. Dmitri Bezborodov - Aerokinetic. Anything he writes/speaks is believed. Maxim Dolgonosov - Terrakinetic. Secondary power of intimidation Danil Afonik - Telepath Camerlengo Angelico Moretti - human. Arik's guardian and adoptive father. Former military Chaplin. World 2 - Eden The Pantheon Earth Water Fire Air Time Space Life Death The Consorts Terrania Triton Hestia Boreus Decima Aether Gaia Eurydice The Heirs Erde Tsunami Paia Nimbus Julia Seti Anima Oblivia The Seasonal Quartet Spring Summer Autumn Winter The Twins Knowledge Emotion The Masked Ones Oneiroi Lyssa Eris Other Armamina - A Dryad
And if anyone cares: Spoiler Xehanort [Young] [Kingdom Hearts] Spoiler Phil Coulson [Marvel]Alastar "Mad-Eye" Moody [Harry Potter]Joshua [The World Ends With You]Al Mualim [Assassin's Creed]Gaston [Beauty and the Beast]Trixie [My Little Pony]Eraqus [Kingdom Hearts]Beat [The World Ends With You]John Smith [Doctor Who]Roxas [Kingdom Hearts]Sora [Kingdom Hearts]Thor [Marvel]Loki [Marvel]Luna [My Little Pony]Axel [Kingdom Hearts]Victor "Sully" Sullivan [Uncharted]Harriet Jones [Doctor Who]Harold Saxon [Doctor Who]Cosmos [Final Fantasy]Celestia [My Little Pony]Haytham Kenway [Assassin's Creed]Connor Kenway [Assassin's Creed]Achilles [Assassin's Creed]Rassilon [Doctor Who]Juno [Assassin's Creed]Ziio [Assassin's Creed]Charles Lee [Assassin's Creed]Thanos [Marvel]Darth Maul [Star Wars]Katniss Everdeen [The Hunger Games]James Bond *Daniel Craig* [007 series]M [007 series]Chernabog [Fantasia]Rose Tyler [Doctor Who]Zordon [Power Rangers]Alpha 5 [Power Rangers]Shining Armor [My Little Pony]Michael Scott [The Office]Sarah Jane Smith [Doctor Who]Xehanort [Old] [Kingdom Hearts]Xemnas [Kingdom Hearts]Ansem SoD [Kingdom Hearts]Maya (Zero Dark Thirty]Dan [Zero Dark Thirty]Will Smith [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]Carlton Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]Philip Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]Hilary Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]Vivian Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]Ashley Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]Geoffrey [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]Jazz [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]Discord [My Little Pony]Scrooge McDuck [Disney]Vanellope von Schweetz [Wreck-It Ralph]Vanitas [Kingdom Hearts]Xion [Kingdom Hearts]Saix [Kingdom Hearts]The Great Intelligence [Doctor Who]Mineva [Assassin's Creed]Tinia [Assassin's Creed]Doctor Hu [9th] [Doctor Who]Claude Frollo [Hunchback of Notre Dame]John Lumic [Doctor Who]Yang Fang Leiden [Final Fantasy]Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)Sweetie Belle (MLP: FiM)Pipsqueak (MLP: FiM)Wolf Blitzer (Real Life/CNN)Piers Morgan (Real Life/CNN)Anderson Cooper (Real Life/CNN)Zecora (MLP: FiM)Nick Fury (Marvel)Bruce Banner (Marvel)
1 my oc is named samantha and she lives in the usa and does normal stuff and hangs out on the internet
I think I have more than 20 Gods of Kh Kimberly- Her real name is Allision Integra(Considered to be the Dream Angel although the Dream Angel is its own being it resides within Kim.) Windy- Her real name is Angelica Rosey- Her real name is Alicia Eve- Her real name is Takano Integra(Not related to Kim Lucy's younger sister) Lucy- Her real name is Sayuri Integra(Not related to Kim Eve's older sister) AKA Mother of Time Aaliyah Paradox Aaliyah Isis- Her real name is Madeleine Orihime Lyanne Ashley Electrina Melissa Bella Haruhi Sally Dream Angel Aura A Nas-(Myself) Lisa Asahina Gods of Kh Final Mix *- Meansexclusive only to Final Mix *Karen *Cassy *Anna (I am missing so many people its pissing me off because I always remember until now.)