"Oh wow, she looked at me! I should probably look at her for a little longer to show that the interest is mutual." *Inadvertent eye contact* "Wow, she has pretty eyes. She's kinda pale, though." *Eye contact is getting uncomfortable.* "Should I look away? I feel like I should look away, but then she might think I'm not interested." *It is obvious that eye contact is now mutually awkward. She hasn't moved in over a minute.* "Alright, I have to look away. She probably thinks that I'm trying to assert my dominance or something." *Blink* "Oh, crap, she's crying. I hope I didn't scare her." *Turn to leave because we're clearly both too shy to actually talk to one another.* *Suddenly surrounded by people who look like they're from the 80s* *See newspaper on the ground* *Notice that the date on it is December 9th, 1984* "Goddamn it, not again!"
Key . . . I love you now XD Let this be a lesson to everyone. Don't leave home without your vortex manipulator.
Well . . . it is a reference that could be from either Tennants or Smiths. It's a reference to the Weeping Angels. When David Tennant was playing the Doctor, he got sent back by the angels. Then of course you have what happened just recently, tragic, while the Doctor was being played by Matt Smith. In Key's joke, he blinks for a moment. The whole time he had been looking at a weeping angel. When he blinked he got sent back to the eighty's.