im planning on asking my friend out. and i thought of a way. that wasnt like the usual just asking - 6-7 pieces of paper. and a whole school day Each paper will have a word on it [*girlsname] [Will] [You] [Go] [Out] [With] [Me?] and imma have a friend in each of her classes. put a word on her desk. then after her last class ends. ill be standing outside of her class holding [Me?]
I don't know. Sounds a bit complicated. She might get confused as to who's asking. It doesn't sound like a good plan. The best way is to ask her up front and in person.
It's a cute idea, but as DSK said, a bit confusing... If you really can't ask her face-to-face, hand her the pieces of paper (in order!!) and ask her if she'll proofread a report or story or something... But really, it'd probably just be better to as her to her face. It may sound strange, but that also makes a relationship stronger and makes it last longer. There's nothing to be afraid of when asking a girl out... We don't bite. ;D And if it's rejection you're afraid of, paper won't help, anyways... It may sting a bit, but you just have to get up and not let yourself get upset. We all fall sometimes, but there are other people out there. :) Good luck, hun! <3
You should just forget the notes then and just ask her. It's simpler that way and not at all confusing. If she's confused, she might say no.
Exactly! What is it with guys being sooo nervous about asking girls out? We're human too! Well, I guess I'm pretty nervous talking to guys, but thats me. Anyway... Hun, just do it face to face. There was one guy in 6th grade who was a nervous wreck talking to me and I asked him what was wrong and he said "do you wanna go to the yr 6 formal with me?" Of course I said yes! out of niceness! Dude, ask her face to face. Bottom line, stuff the papers!
It's a cool idea, and it seems you have already taken care of a failsafe. Which is good, because plan A is somewhat likely to go wrong along the way.
I wrote my girlfriend a note like that in class once since we were at opposite ends, 5 sheets To me you are P.e.r.f.e.c.t I (big heart here) You She seemed to love it, gotta give it a shot man.
Trust me, girls love that kind of sentimental stuff :3 But soo many things could go wrong, and if you just go for it and ask her out face to face it'll be just as nice if she likes you xD 'Specially if you're sweet about it :3
Honestly, if she's half as dim as me, she won't get it. Also, that's a huge waste of trees. |: I don't mean to be mean, but I agree with everyone else -- just ask her flat out.
Well,It Sound Cute But I'd Just Write it all on one note =] unless she's the kind of person who would think that is childish or a cowards way out,its so much safer just to ask her in private after school is done =].
Way too complicated. I think your'e just going to make yourself emberesed. I did the same sort of thing once, "Why do you always overcomplicated things?" she said.
well. she ended up saying yes. :] but i used a flipbook having it form the question letter by letter with two hearts forming. took me damn 4 periods to finish it. = =. but it was worth it :]
.... i know how's this look like... this is Hard ya' Know.. well done... Hmm.. i failed...using your tactics... Love is A pain In the...