How to Browse the Internet: 1. Plug in your computer. 2. Turn on your computer. 3. Wait for your computer's ridiculously long boot sequence to finish. 4. Log in to your computer. 5. Wait for your computer to detect and subsequently connect to your default network. 5b. If your default network is unavailable, find a network to connect to. If there is no network to connect to, cry and drink yourself to sleep. If there is, and you successfully connect, continue to step 6. 6. Open any web browser other than Internet Explorer. 6b. If you only have Internet Explorer, open Internet Explorer, click the Address Bar, and type, then download, install, open Google Chrome, navigate to, sign up or sign in, and get stalked by Amaury. 6c. If you like Internet Explorer, throw yourself out of the nearest fourth story window. The internet is not for you.