Alrite. Right now, I'm in a bit of problem right now. See, I've got a friend. She's been pretty cool, and idk, I've really grown to think that she's a pretty cool person to hang with. Talk with her every day, but see, now I've got sort of a problem. The idiot's started doin weed. it isn't like she does it all that often, but still, its ****in killen me to know that she's doin it and its tearing me from the inside out. She knows by now that it pisses the hell out of me that she does it, and I really godda say, the thought of it really makes me want to throw up. So right now I'm sort of hoping to find a way to get her to stop. Ik that some people are gonna say things like 'tell her parents', or 'tell a teacher', or maybe even 'its her life, let her do what she wants with it', but if I let things continue like this then I wouldn't have the right to call myself a friend now would I. Thats why I'm asking for ways to get her to stop. I need advice, or more so suggestions, on what I should do so I can get her to stop. Maybe things to say, actions to take, something at least. I mean, hell, there are some people out there who I can say 'hell, let them do it for all I care', but ****, she's really got a chance to make somethen out of herself and if she gets caught doin this kind of ****, then her life is over >.>
Idk. I just asked tonite while I was talken wit her on chatango, and I decided to just leave her the message asken her. I wont be seeing her tommorow so I'll get an answer 2morow on chatango. From what she's told me though, she doesn't seem to do it all that much, but I'm afraid of her suddenly making it into a habit >.>
No, I havn't. Dude, its weed that we're talking about. I mean, do you have any idea how easy it is to say 'ok, i'll stop', and then suddenly do it later? Besides, its not like she is doin it cuz of peer pressure or anythen. she originally did it cuz she wanted to try it herself >.>
Contrary to popular belief, weed isn't addictive if you do once in a while. So asking her is still a very viable option. Just tell her that you value her friendship and her current behaviour is a matter of concern to you.
If it's not peer presure it might actualy be much easier for her to stop. Just talk to her about it and ask her to stop.
Well, you can never know if it'll work unless you try. Just explain how much it bothers you and how worried you are for her. There is a possibility she'll understand and stop.
I'll give it a shot. but incase that does not work, then I'd prefer if alternatives can be suggested as well. Not for nothing, but if it doesn't work, then it would be good to have a back up plan on hand (I already have one, but others would be appreciated)
From what I've heard, she barely does it. Only 6 times this year. She DOES drink (which I'm actually alrite with), and she just says that its only happend whenever she doesnt get anything to drink for like a month (which I can tell is the truth, since thats just her). I'm gonna keep on her about it though. I usually hang with her so if I ever catch her high then I'll just put on a whole big act. Also, I know a way into scaring her out of it >.> either way though, I have things under control now at least. Thnx though
Well it all depends on the person, for some people it's addicting, but for stronger people, no offense to anyone, it is easier to quit.
This is wrong. At best you're just misinformed and bullshitting an experience. Unless it's been laced with something else, marijuana doesn't cause a craving (psychological addiction) like other narcotics. What you get from prolonged use (of up to 50-100 joints worth) is a build up of reverse tolerance that simply results in an increased sensitivity to the effects of the drug, resulting in THC to be stored in fat cells where it is released much more slowly; in short you actually require less of the drug to get high. This tolerance may drive certain individuals to seek out other drugs to obtain the same, or a greater, high, but the experimentation with other drugs is driven by a whole heap of other factors. Now Deathsight44. You said that she also drinks? I'd be more worried about that than smoking pot 6 times a year. It's easier to get addicted to Alcohol than marijuana. There are also plenty of more negative effects that accompany irresponsible alcohol use, which is more often than not guaranteed in the case with minors. Tolerance has been found to build regardless of the "strength" of the person and this is a sign of addiction. Quitting is simply a matter of allowing the THC to fully leave the system and obstaining
Pot is not an addictive drug physically. If someone gets addicted to pot, it is because of a mental addictive behavior pattern and it is guided at the pot. I'd actually be more concerned with her drinking because that is more addicting. In the end, she's experimenting with things and it's because of the people she hangs around and that she can get the stuff. In a way, your reasons for wanting to help her are kind of selfish to me. You don't want her to do it so she should not. It's not where you want to be if you wanted to earnestly help someone. If you can't take her habits she is doing, my suggestion in all honesty would be to stop hanging around her because she's going to be who she is and do what she wants whether you decide to narc on her or not. Matter a fact, narcing on her could make her more determined to slide down hill and rebel from her parents and do worse things. If you are so concerned, others suggested you talk to her and well, that's perhaps what you should do. Explain that the pot smoking bothers you because it's not the best thing to do and it can affect her over time, making her less active in life and productive with things and you feel she has a good potential to do things without that in her life. In the end, that's the most you can do is voice your thoughts on it and if you don't like her answer, decide whether you can be friends with someone that occasionally smokes some pot and drinks with some friends or if you want to say sayonara and move on with your life. If you did decide to narc on her, realize that you probably won't have her for a friend either and again, your reasons for 'helping' her seem skewed and kind of selfish as well as the fact you don't seem to know much about pot in the first place. Conversation is usually the best way to cope with it and well, you can't live her life for her and if she doesn't meet your expectations, you've got to move on.
It's actually the other way around. A Psychological addiction is commonly associated with "somatic hallucinations", like cocaine bugs and a reward system (i.e. use of the drug staves off a negative experience associated emotional dysfunction or withdrawal symptoms).
at least you can fess up your mistake, rehab? not at all. a person can never be "strong enough" to do drugs. thanks Dr. how do you know so much bout this???? i agree. again. how do these ppl know??? wow......truly went through rehab huh??? ok, to help you man (the thread starter) just tell her to stop. ask her out...and try to get her to stop drinking. i think its more deaths occur in america from alchoholic drinks then from drugs. correct me if i be wrong.
Ask her to stop or yes, spending more time with her will help quite a lot. Last Christmas what I did was instead of getting gifts from some of my relatives, I told them to stop smoking. I know it sounds stupid but it worked for me. Right now all I can say is.. have a friend to friend talk with her and tell her [ nicely :3] the bad effects of smoking and that you care for her so please stop. Sorry if this didn't help much ;_;