Do you prefer to work inside the home or outside the home and How do you find yourself doing this? Well I started by selling Girl Scout Cookies when I was about six or seven years old. I guess you could say that started my discipline of working outside the home. Then when I was in my senior year of high school I got a job at Hollywood Video. In collage I got a volunteer job at a place called Reach Out as a receptionist taking calls for people that needed rides to appointments. As of now I'm just a student studying art and computer basics.
I depends on the job, but all work I've done I've have to be inside for. Like Walmart requires employers to go outside a lot, but the most I've been out was when I had to help two stores get preps for their inventory (they were weeks behind) and I had to stay outside for four days going through tailors. Now when it came to my garden, that's me sweating out side.
If I had all the resources I ever needed, I'd do nothing but work on music. I'd be a hundred times the musician I am now(which still isn't much). Unfortunately, I have to go to school. I work as a math tutor over at a college here so, obviously, I can't work from home. So is the real question about a preference of working indoors or outdoors? Unless you're doing lots of online work at home you don't normally get a choice of working from home. If that's the case, I prefer indoors.
Well um, I work in an office so I'm cooped up inside all the time, hiding from the sun and repping the pale, deathly look. I obviously work away from home but still indoors (slightly confused by the meaning behind this thread?) I have the option to work from home at times, but I know that just wouldn't be feasible for me. I get pre-occupied way too easily and I'd just end up goofing off and playing vidyagames or watching TV. :B
If we are talking about school work, I couldn't work outside- if it was actually warm enough then the wind/breeze would be there messing up my pages while I tried to read or write, the sun would make it hard to see the words and I would be lying down which just makes me want to sleep and do the opposite of work. I need a desk to do something like that. If I was reading or drawing then I would much rather do it outside when the weather permits. If we are talking about jobs then most jobs require being indoors, all the jobs I want to go into involve beige indoors- not necessarily an office job as I may be driven mad. My current job is in a kitchen so has to be indoors and I don't mind that, it's nice to then go outside and feel free. I wouldn't want to work at home as I would rather separate work and home life physically plus I wouldn't want to be cooped up all the time. Every now and then it wouldn't be a terrible thing but not all the time.