This is a place to offer your quesitons or opinions and advice about what is happening in your current situtation dealing with the economy. Well it turns out I was terminated from my job due to medical reasons of taking the leave for a long time which was out of my control, but I will remain on disability until mid August and have a long term plan with my company for my years of surface. So with that it will be some income. I bet the main reason I was let go because of the ecomomy. I'm working on my recovery with a chiropractor three times a week, but now I have to fork over $300 a month for my health insurance from Kaiser plus my car payment, car insurance and another $1700 real soon to pay of my treamtment. Yes, the economy is making a small dent on my bank account, but I'll get it back when my case is settled and I'm compensated for two years of suffering plus grivance and penalities on their part.
besides a few stores going out of business, i didn't really notice many effects of the bad economy. i'm not personally effected, at least not yet, i got a job and am going to start in a few weeks and my loans and stuff are fine. i heard that the problem was people being too scared to spend money, is that true?
Yeah that is happening in California, the state I live in. It's harder to get jobs, but in my case I can't work right now due to being disabled so I'm pretty much stuck. I conserve and save my money the best I can and it's a known fact that consumers are not buying because they have expences and can't afford to have a luxury item or go out to eat. When push comes to shove people are tighening their belts for we are in it for the long hull and it could take 2 years for a sense of normalcy to return. It has gotten so bad that boomerang boomers my generation is what we're called *late teens to thirtys* that family members who are in their thirties or forties are moving back home to their parent's house because they can't afford to pay the morgage or rent anymore. It really is sad. Heck I'm still living with my parents because I don't have a choice, but I'm not in my 30's or anything.
The economy isn't flowing because: - People don't have money to spend - Everyone's job is to sell things for people to buy - If no one can buy anything then no one gets money from their jobs - and the cycle starts over Also the banks won't trust each anyone with money so they won't loan any money out to anyone without any sign of a method to pay it of with (which apparently they should have done a LONG time ago) and they won't loan other banks money.
oh yeah i read about what you said... i hope you kick their asses i'm coping so far... i may be 16, but my job is still hiring... it's wierd i don't know how my mums going, but i think she's trying to move back to England
And other corporations are buying into one of another. Wamu or Washington Mutual is becoming Chase. Saturn car dealership could being bought over by GM since the goverment bailed them out by giving them a big expenditure. Thank you and I hope you keep your job Catfish.
Well, I'm trying to cope right now...I posted several months ago that i got laid off from the pool store job I was working at...I have a job on campus while I'm in college, but only on the weekends, so it's not as much as I was getting, but it's still something. In my state (MA), they've proposed a wage freeze to try and avoid laying off teachers, police, healthcare, etc. even though so many have been laid off already.
I was going to get a job at a vet clinic, but now they can't afford to hire, so I'm stuck. I was hoping to finish up my driver's ed, but now i can't afford to take the test for my license. I can't afford to keeping my car full of gas, either.
My mom can't find a job...She got her pay cut from her last one. We got evicted from our apartment. I can't find a job. Can't really afford anything. Living with my grandparents now. Yeah. It sucks.
It wouldn't even BE a crisis if people didn't panic! People need to spend normally, companies need to hire normally, and banks need to lend normally. If ANY one of those parts starts something different, the whole system panics. If no one panics, nothing breaks down.
My position: My dad has no work, I have no car, no job and minimum health insurance. My suggestions: Start shoplifting Wal-Mart!
If the stupid unmeployment place would accept my case, I wouldnt' be worrying about this. I hate them, they only would accept it if I worked full time, well that is not my fault. It was all my job would allow. Damn I wish I still had my job for Vons as a security tagger, but no..... the fricken company had to let my company go because of disagreements. Besides the fact that i had to worry about cut hours as well. I can't go to college anymore, because it is too expensive plus the classes end up getting cancelled and if I had a job i would be able to afford it. Note to anyone don't try shop lifting any place. All stores have camras either they where you can see them like in the front or they are inside a different room. Believe me they are really hidden and are around you without you even knowing. Stealing is not worth it, you would really ruin your life and be stuck behind bars or have some other burden on you. Stores are not nice to shop lifters anymore. Now if you have a good lawyer then you may chance it if you are lucky.
Wow I'm sorry that you guys are having trouble as well, but fire mage is right about one thing. No matter how desperate things seem, don't break the law in order to get by. There are other ways to obtain money and you have to want to have it so bad. Perhaps you can offer to clean houses, or walk dogs or any kind of labour because right now money is money.