Hopefully Scary Story Lacking a Title

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Near, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    I swear, if it weren't an English project, I would never have gotten around to writing this down.

    Just a few things I'd like to get out of the way...
    1) Please do not ask, "What kind of a name is Chronos?" It sounded cool at the time. xD

    2) If this sucks, please keep in mind that I am 12, and in 7th grade. Although this isn't an excuse, I know, xD.

    3) It's not KH related in any way.

    4) Constructive critisism would be greatly apreciated! =D


    Part 1(It looks longer on lined paper. >.>)

    Chonos looked up toward the tall hill, illuminated by the light of the full moon. Turning to face his two friends, he asked,
    "So, you guys ready?"
    "Well, uh..." A girl named Sophie stuttered.
    "Of course!" Another girl named Viki shouted, racing ahead of her friends. Stopping suddenly, she heard an echo repeat her words.
    "Awesome!" Chronos yelled.
    "Awesome!" The echo replied. The two continiued running up the hill until they noticed their friend Sophie wasn't following.
    "Hey Soph!" Chronos called down, "Whacha doin'?"
    "You know, it's easier for the zombies to get you when you're alone!" Viki continued.
    "Ohh!" Sophie growled, and sped up the hill. Once she caught up with them, she sent a punch at Chronos' shoulder.
    "What'd I do?" he whined, rubbing his shoulder.
    After around five minutes of running, the friends were only a quarter of the way up the hill. They all stopped to catch their breath.
    "This hill," Chronos complained, "Is a lot bigger than I thought."
    "Yeah," Sophie whined. "It's more like a mountain!"
    "Who cares!" Viki said. "I'm climbing to the top."
    "Good luck with that," Chronos responded. "It's covered in thick fog."
    "How Cliche`" Sophie commented.
    "Well, let's go! We're not getting any farther just sitting here!" Viki said, more than noticably excited.
    Thick fog filled the air around them as they got higher up the hill/mountain. The higher they got, the harder it was to see.
    "Viki!" Chronos called, "It's way too foggy! I can't see my hand an inch in front of my face!"
    "Hey..." Viki started, ignoring her friend's comment. "Where's Soph?"
    "Soph!" Chronos yelled, "Where'd ya go!?"
    "She probably decided it was too scary and went back." Viki shrugged. "Her loss."
    "She's fine, Chronos"
    "I'm not sure..." he mumbled. Turning to see if he coud spot her, he was greeted by the same sea of grey. A breeze passed, causing him to notice how icy cold it was. He took a step back.
    "Agh!" he shouted. Something sharp had cut his ankle, and he fell to his back. His mahogany colored hair covered his eyes until he shook his head and looked around. A forest of grass at least a foot long was all he could see besides the blanket of fog. As he attempted to get up, whatever had sliced his ankle was only cutting deeper. He reached over and grabbed a wooden handle attached to the said ankle-slicer, and pulled it away from his ankle, taking a good look at his ankle - and the object in his hands.
    "Whoa..." he whispered.

    End Part 1. If anyone replies, I'll post Part 2 tomorrow.
    Scince I have to finish this now... >.>
    Part 2
    Chronos had never been as excited as he was then. In his hand was a Four-foot long scythe, with traces of blood visible. The pain in his bleeding ankle dissapeared, replaced with the exhilaration shown on his face.
    A drawn out, "Awesome..." was the only way he found to put his thoughts to words.
    He now successfully stood up, not feeling the deep gash left on his ankle.
    "Viki!" he called, "Look what I found!"
    Hearing no response, he continued the rest of the way up the hill by himself. The icy grass made a crunching sound under every step he took. The air cleared as he reached the top, but looking down, the it was impossible to see the bottom - where he had been seemingly hours ago. His clothes and hair soaked from the heavy moisture in the air around him, he collapsed on the top of he hill, tired of all of the walking he had been doing. All he wanted to do now was find Viki and Sophie and get home.
    Facing the moon, which seemed extremely bright without the eerie fog, he asked the sky,
    "Where is anyone?"
    Not expecting a response, he was surprised to hear a familiar voice, but he couldn't exactly tell who it was.
    "Jason's mom?" He asked.(Don't ask, inside joke.)
    "Hah," she laughed, "No, it's me, Sophie."
    "That kinda rhymes," Chronos chuckled.
    "Whatever," She said. "Get up, I want to get out of here ASAP."
    "Fine," he responded, "but we need to find Viki. Who knows where she went"
    "Good idea." She commented, walking over to help him up.
    He picked up his scythe after standing, and the two treaded through the long grass, down the hill and back into the cloud of fog.

    An ear peircing squeal made Chronos cringe as he took another step.
    "Chronos!" Sophie screamed.
    "What?!" He shouted, running over to her.
    "We aren't going to be looking for Viki anymore..."
    "Oh... My... Freaking... God..."

    10:48 P.M. Part two finished.

    Part 3
    Neither of them could believe it. In front of them was the body of their now lifeless friend. The knife used to kill her was still there, dripping blood in the long grass and staining it red.
    "Who could've done this?" Sophie choked. Tears poured down her cheeks.
    "I have no idea, but stop crying and take this, so we can get home safely." Chronos said, handing the knife to Sophie.
    "We can't just forget about her!" his friend argued, taking the knife.
    "Theres not much we can do! We'll call the cops when we get there!" he argued back. "Now let's go!"
    "Argh, fine."
    11:31 P.M.
    Part 3 obviously not finished
  2. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    keep it up!
  3. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    cool im waiting for part 2