Remember that thread I posted when I was depressed? Well I got better and now it's back again. It's mild but it's definitely there. I don't understand why it can't just stay gone, or why it keeps coming back. I don't want to see a shrink because I wouldn't be able to tell them anything to begin with. I just want to know why I feel like this every winter and not during any of the other seasons.
It sounds like to me you may or may not have Seasonal depression[also known as seasonal affective disorder, SAD for short] it's a depression which occurs each year at the same time each year, usually winter. It's more than just the "winter blues" however. People who suffer from SAD have many of the common signs of depression. For example; sadness, anxiety, irritability etc etc. What causes SAD is unknown, though there is theories. For example one of them is that with decreased exposure to sunlight, the biological clock that regulates mood, sleep, and hormones is delayed, running more slowly in winter, causing SAD or more depressed moods. But it's very important you don't diagnose yourself. See your doctor for a full assessment to be safe and whatnot. Though, I may be completely wrong since I'm no doctor. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon~ I'll be happy to help if you need any more advice or whatnot.
Did something else happen during Winter that might have triggered a psychological sort of reaction? Something subconscious, maybe?
I believe my dear Kelly is right here. It doesn't take much for depression to come back, especially during winter. But you should go to a shrink. It doesn't matter if you don't know what to tell them, that's what you're there to figure out.
What Kelly has said is just what I was thinking. Talk to someone you know and trust about it my dear,then go see the doctor... As they are just there to help you as best they possibly can.