
Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by T3F, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Do you think Homophobia is wrong?

    Sure, people are fighting for Gay Rights and such because those people believe that it is the 'right thing' to do, according to them. However, I think the advocates for gay rights don't understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion. You can't turn around to a homophobe and say, "YOU HAVE TO LIKE GAY PEOPLE, ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!" Much like Homophobes can't turn around to Gay people and say "BE STRAIGHT SO I DON'T HAVE TO HATE YOU!" Unfortunately, more people would agree that homophobia is just plain ignorant and stupid. Like I said, those people are entitled to their opinion.

    Basically what I'm getting that is that I don't like the idea of people changing other people's ideas and ways of thinking. If you are racist, then you are racist. If you are homophobic, then you are homophobic. Just because it is publicly considered unacceptable doesn't mean that they absolutely cannot have that opinion. Its like telling someone who hates broccoli to eat it. There is so much pressure on homophobes to accept gay people...what if they just don't want to? Well the answer to that is that they become the bad guys in society.

    Much as I didn't want to bring religion into this...I might as well use it as an example: The Catholic Church is strictly opposed to gay marriage. Why? Because they believe it is supposed to be a sacred sacrament between a man and a woman. Are they wrong?
    Some would say yes and that its discrimination against gays. Others would say no its not and that is religious tradition, therefore the church's opinion can be appropriately justified.

    I guess what I'm getting at is that just because its considered an unacceptable opinion of a distinct group of people doesn't mean that the people with that opinion should be judged and punished by the general public. Homophobia is justifiable. If somebody doesn't like gays, they shouldn't be pressured by gay rights groups to like gays.

    What I don't like is the expression of homophobia. Hate Crimes against gays is discriminating and patronizing. To an extent, they can be justified, but expressing an opinion of hate, or a judgement against homosexuals is without a doubt wrong. It does, however, present a stereotype that all homophobes are going to go out and kill gay people because 'that's the right thing to do' according to them. Expressing opinions of hate: verbal abuse, physical abuse, bashings and murders are definitely wrong. It does not mean that harnessing these opinions is wrong. I also don't mean to stereotype all the gay rights groups for pressuring homophobes to accept gays. I just don't like the gay rights groups that do.

    So, I think homophobia as a whole is a natural opinion. It is just the way it is. I'm interested to hear your opinions of homophobia. Do you think its wrong?
  2. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Homophobia is absolutely 100% wrong.

    Quite frankly, for most people -- not all -- I don't think they dislike it because of the whole same gender thing, I think it's just because they're different. Take, for example, the problem with dark-skinned people back in the 1980s. They were made slaves simply for being different.

    I may not personally ever fall for a guy, but if guys want to be with guys and gals want to be with gals, then I say go for it. Who are we to stop their desires?
  3. Riku-Sama's Shadow Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 19, 2008
    Let homophobes be homophobes. They don't have to agree with the homosexual lifestyle.
    Let homosexuals be homosexuals. They can't help who they are.

    Why should all the homosexuals that wish to marry be deprived of that right just because some people don't agree with it ? If they don't agree with it, they don't have to. That's their problem. And it should STAY their problem. Instead of making it a major problem for homosexuals.
  4. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Let me say this as a bisexual.

    I hate the use of the term "Homophobic". That word is idiotic, and should be wiped from the dictionary and everyone's heads.

    As for people that don't like homosexuals, whatever, you're entitled to your opinion, just don't be an ass. It's pretty much that simple. Just like as a bisexual I'm not going to scream my opinion at you.
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Isn't there a difference between a 'homophobe' and someone who just doesn't agree with that lifestyle?

    I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the hatred associated with homophobia is not okay, to me. Yeah, you don't have to like gay people, and you can have another stance on their rights--I guess, but if your argument is that we should let homophobia be as it is, then I don't think you're using the right term? I'm honestly not sure... Maybe I'm wrong, but I've always associated 'homophobia' with hatred and intolerance and that is not okay.

    I don't think racism is the best example either. I guess you can not like a certain race, but being prejudice and placing an entire group of people into one stereotype shouldn't be okay either considering with all of the hate crimes and inequality that comes of that. Racism, like homophobia, is kind of associated with hatred, to me.

    So, um, in my opinion, 'if you are racist, you're racist' shouldn't be okay, either. If you don't want to associate yourself with a certain race, or you don't want your family marrying a certain race, I guess that's your business. But when it turns into such a hurtful thing, then no. You don't have to like it--but being tolerant of it is better than treating other people like crap.

    The Church/certain religions can disagree with homosexuality but telling people they're going to burn in hell and 'God hates ****', etc. No. If that's someone's opinion, then okay but you can't tell supporters of gay-rights to back off when those against it are putting up the same amount of struggle + hate.

    So...all in all I think it's okay for people not to agree with homosexuality. But being a homophobe is different.

    Everyone just needs to calm the **** down. /opinion

  6. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    People are free to be who they are. If they are gay, let them be gay; if they are lesbian, let them be lesbian, if they hate those person, let them hate those person. Just be aware of this:

    > Gays/Lesbians should not try change someone's opinions.
    > Homophobic should not judge and say being homosexual is wrong.

    Each one should live their life as they want to, not getting in anyone's way. Gay shouldn't complain with homophobic's way and homophobic shouldn't complain with gay's way.
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I get what you're saying. In the end you're told a black and white argument on either side of things, to be with or against homophobic ideals.
    I think that is a restrictive idea on the whole topic, and one that can easily change as well.

    Personally I am fine with either group or type of homosexual or homophobe as long as they are not extremists in their ideas, since I have friends from both side of the group, as much as I have friends who are racist and xenophiles, or sexist and feminists. They acknowledge their preference on the matter, but they do not state it all the time or want to act on it. That is a fine way to act with any belief in my opinion.

    I use to not take this stance, I use to be in the idea that homophobics, racists and sexists were all bad and terrible people. But after one of my closer friends admitted to me he was all of the above in some way or another, I had to reavaluate my thoughts on the matter. He was a good guy, smiled a lot, was close to his family, was willing to help out with any computer problem you had and stuff like that, he was not like the typical vision of a Nazi, Klu Klux Klan extremist member, he was just a nice guy who had grown up round those type of people and thought the same way because of it. Maybe it's a case that his nice demeanor outwayed the negatives about him, like we try to do with people we are close with?

    So yeah, i'm fine with both sides as long as they aren't extremists, since I find that's where most of the problems associated with either side arise from.
  8. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I disagree with the first premise. If someone is hated or viewed disdainfully, there is no reason why they should not try to stop people from hating them. You must try to change the opinions of others in order to be respected and accepted.

    If homosexuality is not seen as more acceptable, then homophobic bullying and violence will continue to be a problem. The larger the group of people who are uncomfortable with homosexuality is, the more sexuality-based violence there will be. You must change opinions in order to minimize that violence.

    The same thing applies to racism. There is truth in the claim that people who are gay or non-white have different mannerisms and cultural tics. No good comes of simply ignoring the problem. The way body language is perceived especially is different.

    The problem is that people are not comfortable with the cultural divide, not that they think there is one. They have to be made to acknowledge and accept the merits of difference or the problem will persist every time someone notices the line that everyone else is trying to ignore.
  9. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    I believe that people are entitled to their opinion, just that if the opinion is harmful, it shouldn't be voiced.

    If you have something against homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, etc. for whatever reason, that's fine. I'm not going to tell you how you should think. But when you vocalize that opinion in a harmful and down-grading manner, that's where I draw the line.
  10. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Please read the posts before you in the Debate Corner. It is less a place for expressing your opinion and more a place for discussion between those in the thread.

    I feel that your lack of acceptance may lead to violence. If you have children, there is a chance that they be gay, or if they inherit your belief system, they might become the type to bully homosexuals. Someone is a parent to every bully, and bullies often get their prejudices from their parents. Are you sure that the distinction will be so clear for them if you tell them that it is wrong to be gay?
  11. LunarSchemer Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 16, 2012
    Ebel City
    I don't believe in homophobia. I don't believe people are actually AFRAID of gay people, or can't handle them. (That's what a phobia IS ) I think that if you hate/diske/or are afraid of a person just because of their sexual preference, you are just ignorant. Sure you can disagree with it, but that doesn't make it a phobia.
  12. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I agree 100% I can't believe that fear of homosexuals is a legitimate fear. More like a fear of change or something. I can understand a fear of snakes, spiders, and even dogs, but I can't buy in to that. It's completely ridiculous. I for one approve of homosexual relationships. In this day and age if you can find love be it with the same or opposite sex more power to you. Homophobia is a cover up for the people who can't find a way to deal with two people of the same sex being together. You may have a right to your opinion but if you're going to try and make up an illegitimate fear rather than just be out with it then you shouldn't say anything at all. That's my opinion on the matter.