Homework effecting families?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by godzilla3456, Oct 9, 2007.

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  1. godzilla3456 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 3, 2007
    United States
    Studies have shown that students and their families have a lot more stress. Due to all the stress students have been failing tests and other things in every day life.

    On the other hand parents and teachers think that homework is an essetial to succeed in life and not doing the homework you will end up working in Mcdonalds for the next 30 years.

    Also, companies such as nintendo havebeen releasing games such as Brain Age to boost your intellegence. And people say that video games like that will be the next thing to replace homework because of the fun children have with games and it may influence adults to go to college. But with people in the Code Vault here will some how hack it to get an A+.

    So what do you think on this, I say no homework will help everyone on the long run, thats my opinion on this.
  2. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    My opinion is quite different. Your right people will hack to get a A+, but if you have homework you don't. I think students should have homework weekly so you have plenty of time to do it, without stress. For example, In English Class I got a one page essay. Some students get it done in a twenty minutes, while others take days. I'm not talking to those who slack off and talk, talking in class and ignoring homework assignments and class work also causes stress so calm down and listen. Not paying attention is a lot of times the cause of stress, because they don't know what to do on their homework. So remember to pay attention, and you should pass easy. Try to tune out every day life and focus on your homework.

    Any Comments on my responce?
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I do think that video games like that could help students more than doing repetitious homework over and over again, or that more class subjects could move to doing things on computers in a way to make learning more enjoyable. I do realize I do a lot better when I study material myself and make it something I need than when there is an acre of books piled that I have to go through by force. We have a lot to learn but if education was made more interesting and spruced up a bit, it would be a lot easier to retain the lessons than doing hours of homework that just kills trees and us at the same time.

    I ironically don't mind college as much because even though we have homework a lot of it is mostly reading and then writing on what we learned and you don't have as many classes as high school. Sometimes I think that teachers forget that their classes aren't the only ones that high schoolers especially have to contend with. At least if there are other options such as fun video games, the homework wouldn't seem so bad either and kids would get through it faster. I don't expect it to replace homework in a way, but to lessen the load and let kids have some interaction because that does help. It always seems easier too, to do homework when something is communicating with you. It's why little kids learn a lot that way and won't learn a thing just reading something as we are expected to.

    You are right and it can be quite stressful to do all that and not see much out of it but the angle adults say which is you'll be flipping burgers for the rest of your days. It's not that motivational when staring at 50 math problems.

  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau

    >_> Homework isn't necessarily bad.

    In fact, homework is beyond easy. People just don't do it and are too lazy to want to. I mean, if you just took the time to study instead of worrying about games and having fun, then no one would care. =/

    Well, that's how it is with me, and that's what my friends and such tell me. lol
  5. Eternal Session King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2007
    Somewhere in Darkness
    homework doesn't affect families, i mean nowadays, almost all parents want their children to suceed..or some takes their children for comparison.. video games i think that is necessary to help the student to reduce stress..rather than to boost intelligence
  6. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I'm a fan of the system where you have x amount of assignments and they'll check that you have all of them done at the end of the Semester or Quarter or whatever. That way everyone can work at their own pace; some will get done in a few weeks, while others will finish around the end of the semester.

    The average IQ is decreasing (as the Korn video told us. ;D), but if people would stop worrying about their social status, money, and whatever else, and start focusing on their work/studies, the world could be so much of a better place.

    On your point about Video Games: I do believe these games are great for kids, but I don't think people should need to be bribed to learn with fun. My religious teacher has to bribe the class to be good with deserts; I find it to be pathetic. Isn't having a good future a reason to do your work, whether it be in school or out?

    All in all, I think some families are effected by homework; namely, the families of children who don't do their's. Others have children that do their homework as soon as they get home, and they have th rest of the evening.
  7. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Homework is the one thing that keeps me in school and keeps my grades up, and like Darky said, its not a bad thing, but its true people worry to much about stupid things that don't matter and they live in teh present instead of looking down the road and that will really hurt them. So its not the homework, its the lazyness of the generation.
  8. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    Homework must die! (says the girl whose just been given a 40 page essay on volcanoes which is due in a week!)
  9. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Homework prepares you for live outside of school i.e. work. Homework is actually much easier than that. If you forget a homework or don't have it done in time your teacher will give you an extension or maybe even a detention. In work you could be fired.
    Also homework is there to reinforce what you have done in school. At Lower Sixth it is considerably harder as we are expected to do our own homework. We have to read around the subject and go over our own notes and even ahead into the next topics.

    It is about independant learning and work. Your teacher will not always be there to hold your hand and tell you where you are going wrong.
  10. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Hmm, yes and no on this topic.

    Homework is only as daunting and stressful as the person doing it THINKS it is. (Of course there is the occassion of true teacher tyranny...but that's generally another matter.)

    If homework was to be replaced by something electronic it would be nice...but some degree of written work would still be required. Also if digital homework was to be the norm, then the developers would have to make it decently protected to prevent hacking...and if the child can hack it all by their lonesome, I think that is adaquate proof for them to earn that A+. (If they use a cheating device then it is no different then regular cheating however, but then again this happens with traditional homework as well.)

    As a failsafe of sorts, there would always be tests and in-class essays. :\
  11. Myth Tickle Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 12, 2007
    Right here. *waving* Can't you see me???
    Yes. Personally, I believe that homework does effect families. Not necessarily in a good way either. First off, the school has the kids a minimum of 8 hours a day/5 days a week. Why can't they get the schoolwork done in a 40 hour work week? A lot of adults in this world only work 40 hours a week (for a paying job that is). Why should children be spending more time on schoolwork than adults in the workforce?

    Yes, I realize some people do take work home, but not everyone does. Meanwhile, some professionals are working 4 day weeks...along with several vacations a year.

    Also, the school doesn't want the kids just for their minimum 8 hour day. They want the kids in extracurricular activites. That adds another hour or two after school...plus game nights. How about school plays, musicals, debate (*grin*), and etc. I see little use for homework, when the kids are putting in a minimum 8 hour day already, plus other school activities. Adults are working, going home and...doing chores...then relaxing. :-) Why can't the kids?

    Secondly, not all parents think homework is essential. More parents are homeschooling their children these days...some do so because of frustration with the school system. I know one family locally, that pulled their children out of public school because they would not allow one of their kids to move up and skip a grade. The student was obviously bored in class and could easily skip the grade...so why waste an extra year in the system...?

    Children don't need to spend all their time learning what the school teaches, they should be spending some quality time with their family.

    Yep, homework adds stress to family life. Personally, there's enough stress out there already on families without piling on homework for kids.

    Of course, this is just my opinion...that is based on real life events. *grin*
  12. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    I disagree the video games help your IQ. Brain AGe is just one game. Must games are just fighting. Which if anything it would do harm. I am not saying it does, but it doesn't do anything good. Homework I think does affect families. Few days ago, I rode my bike home tired. So I wanted to have a break before I start my homework. To I log on to kh-vids, watch some TV, then, comes Homework and chores at 6:00 PM. I start doing that. My family is doing upstairs, I wanted to apply to that, but couldn't cause of homework. By the time Im done of my homework (Which is a LOT) Its about 8:00 PM. Then my family starts to go to bed and get settle. Then I go on KH-vids, then bed. I may take long doing chores and Homework, but its still affecting my connection to my family. So yes I do believe it does effect families.
  13. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    oh course it's not negative! in those cases they are, they are extreme cases tho it prolly happens a few times to everyone. it IS essential to learn otherwise, you're just gonna forget everything you learned and THAT is suicide in terms of grades. the brain is like muscles, use it or lose it, well....not really, but you get dumber if you don't use your brain, lol. but when you hit college, all the homework for the ENTIRE term is layed out for you so you can actually do it in advance and kick back a little later on. but the idea of no homework at all is just silly
  14. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Well to some extend, homework can reck up lives and relationship. I would definately say no to homework and find something else to replace it. As for ur suggestion with Nintendo's brain age and such, that itself is a good idea but with some drawbacks. First off, not everyone can offord videogames. Secondly, if everyone was to forget about homework and focus on gaming to teach them, they'd naturally use their system to play a whole buncha other games which probably would distract them from their studies thus creating the whole arguement process again. Then their's those cases of theivery, some1 losing this and that, and etc...

    But I think homework isn't the answer...
  15. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Brain Age also isn't a certified form of intelligence quotient. It's really like one of those grip testing/strong arm machines that you see in the corners of arcades. It's possible for games to facilitate higher learning through the use of positive association, but a certain extent of novelty is acquired.

    The raw point of homework is to show application and practicality. If anything larger loads should help build not only intelligence or gain in knowledge, but also organization, critical thinking, and other useful traits. Of course this being dependent elements of the environment. It's easy to say that homework is detrimental when a child goes home to a dysfunctional home setting of some form.
  16. KissesOfKunai Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 13, 2007
    Behind you.
    I think homework should be given out. BUT it should be due to a date which is senseable (sp?). Like if you have a 1500 or something essay due the next day, I would think the teacher is being cruel. If was due in like 3 days or 2, then ok.

    I think the whole point of homework should that you learn the skill in class then you renforce it at home. Like if you are learning about... I dunno... the "Order of Operations" or Multiplication or whatever. When you get the homework, it should be about what you learned today, but to an amount in which you have time for.

    Personally, you should have homework, but to a limited extent so that you might have a social life. At my private school (Love the school, hate the snobby rich kids! (and homework)) we are expected to have 30 or more minutes of homework each day PER SUBJECT! I have like what? 10 subjects each day? And AT LEAST half of them give me homework each day. So 30 X 5 Equals 150 minutes which equals 2 hours and 50 minutes. PLUS studying time (Which my parents oh so evily renforce) so 2 hr 50 min plus 30 minutes equals 3 hours and 20 mins. Plus more if the other teachers give work.

    For the game idea, I'm not too sure... I mean only video games?...
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