I've had this question for a while. I asked my teacher it and she said it would really take her a year to tell me, since its also a lesson in college. Anyways, how come the "Holy Lands" such as Iraq claim to be the Holy ones when they want us dead along with a few other countries? After all, aren't the one of the commandments: You Shall Not Kill? Since, my teacher can't explain can you guys? I want to know. It doesn't make sense.
because they think that God has asked them to kill everyone who doesnt worship they way they do total lutacris
Agreed , There are many reasons for what they want to do. And just as a reminder the Holy Lands Are Palestine, Israel, Nazereth, etc.
The reason is, in the Islamic version of the ten commandments (which, as I have said before, is said to be the true version with the Christian version being a corruption of their own) does not say "Thou shalt not kill" it says something along the lines of "Thou shalt not kill in cold blood" meaning you are allowed to kill along as it is for a good reason. Such as if it is by holy order.
They think whoever doesn't worship the way they do deserve to die, because they worship Satan, or whatever. It's a total lie.
In reference too. Palestine, Israel, Pakistan, Iraq, the difference is? They are still referenced to in the killing of their own people, which is their own laws, I truly don't care about, whoever they are, they kill us even though they ARE part of the Holy Lands. Bunterx->It still doesn't make great sense. They just attack us, and for what? We didn't do anything to them, they have always been the ones starting to fight, it doesn't add up. A plus B doesn't equal Death to the US. Last time I checked by Holy Orders they were never sent out to kill anyone because apparently this God or Ala guy loves everyone.
Maybe you should read sometime. Wars between Christians and Muslims(And Jews) have been going on for years. And for the record, Christians started it at the battle of Tor, in which they tried to drive the Moors(The Muslims) out of France. Since then it has been a nonstop conflict. And Holy lands is the exact reason there's so much fighting. The 3 religions are SO similar, they all share the same Holy Land. Or rather, they fight over it, sharing isn't the right word. Muslims feel the Jews have stolen Israel, hence the recent conflicts in Lebanon and Israel itself, plus the US Military set up bases in what little holy lands the Muslims have left. In their eyes, we've invaded their scared place, and so they feel we should be driven out. The hatred can run so deep between these 3 groups of people, it can, and has led to war. I believe the First Crusade was to drive Muslims out of Holy Roman territory, while the other 3 Crusades were failures, and attempts at genocide against differing sects of Christianity rather then specifically Muslims. Either way, I can't blame you for not understanding. You're completely uneducated, as most people are. See uneducation about these subjects is what leads to conflict. Uneducation -> Ignorance -> Fear -> Hatred -> Conflict. Also, like Bunterx said, Muslims follow a code of nonviolence, they are taught that it's a sin which is only excusable under the declaration of Jihad, which means Allah would want you to kill them. (And it's no different then the Christian God, Christians are taught violence is wrong, but Christians are some of the most violent people in the history of the planet. God, Allah, whatever you want to call him, it's taught that they are omni-benevolent, and love unconditionally forever, but if you sin, you deserve to die. In the Christian version, if you sin, you deserve to rot in hell. It's really NO different.)
You basicly just said what i said, they have there reasons for killing us. even the true god loves every onee, but he knows some have to die, and that ala crud i have no clue.
Lets also come to realize that only extremists are reinforcing this notion. A select few do not represent their entire country nor their entire faith as a whole.
these powers have been fighting for hunderands of years like Cin said...i dont even think we know what we are fighting over anymore