Okay guys, should I: a) Stay up late to study, but probably not learn too much since I'll be tired as hell or b) Get up really early to study, and risk sleeping in and thus not study at all?
Why don't you simply not study at all and get alot of sleep. Doesn't sound like studying will help you much anyway.
I don't care, bitch. And the only reason I cared enough to vote is because I don't know what the hell I'm doing here.
No, sleep is good. Else I'll just start giggling and singing during the exam. Which sometimes has happened even after a good nights sleep *shifty eyes* Actually, last minute revisions usually help me get at least a B/8, in stead of a D/6 *shudders* D'aww, that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me today ^^ May I hug you? Okay, it wasn't the nicest thing, but I still wanna hug you, 'cause I first thought that you put two i's in to bitch.
;_; I miss those days. I'm getting to the point where I have to get relatively good grades, so my high-school diploma would be a nice thing to look at. :cryinganime: I wanna go back to irresponsibility!
I'd have given you my real opinion and advice, but I figured that it was already too late. I read in another thread that it didn't go too well? That's too bad but I wish you luck with other exams if any and that you'll learn for this experience. There's always next time right? And who knows? Maybe it wasn't so bad at all. Good luck anyway.
No no, I'm having an exam week. The exam I had today would've gone bad even if I had studied for weeks (I'm terrible in Swedish <.<). Tomorrow's a history exam, and it's only 8pm, so it's not too late yet! (aka which is the best to do?)
You should try to sleep first. If you can even catch some sleep, then that means that you're confident about your exam and that you've studied enough. However if you can't fall asleep properly because you're nervous or whatever, then study some more until you've "got a good feeling". Of course, if you're really tired then studying won't help due to lack of focus. In that case I'd listen to some relaxing music and/or have a glass of wine until you fall asleep. Long story short: try to get some sleep. If you can't then draw your conclusions. It means you haven't studied enough to feel confident.
I see. Well I'm usually too clumsy to even hit the Snooze button so I wouldn't know how to hell to deal with that. :p But good luck with your exam week anyway.