right so we have a really annoying teacher for history she decides to teach us about the medieval times. were're now studying medieval torture. i need help with homework... which punishment would people fear most?: (please help!!) The Rack - stretching thingy that pulls ligaments and joints apart: http://http://www.buzzle.com/articles/medieval-tortures-medieval-punishments-and-torture-devices.html[/IMG] Iron Maiden - cage that had pins in it that when closed the person inside would bleed to death: http://www.the-night.net/torture/tortur02.jpg The Stocks or Pillory - wooden frame that made you stand with head and hands in a lock http://www.mainlesson.com/books/pratt/ahs1/zpage157.gif Hung, Drawn & Quartered: unfortunately i can find a image but it basically means you were hung until your last breath then vital organs cut out while your still alive then you were chopped into four parts and thrown all over the village. Head-Crusher: this thing crushed your head until you lost consciousness & died: http://www.geocities.com/i2amsocial/head.jpg There all bloody torture, but which one is the worst? gee i don't know so help please..
Wrong section, this section is for suggestions for the site and forum, this topic sounds more like Discussion or Spamzone to me. I'm sure someone with power to move will do so soon enough. :> But uhm.. all of those sound really dreadful. I'd fear the one that took the longest for the person to actually die in. Long and painful til you would beg for it to end, you know? I'm not really sure which one that would be tho, might be the one you didn't have an image for.
I really hate needless, so at least in my opinion the Iron Maiden is the worst, especially for a claustrophobic person. The fourth is horrible too, though. *shudders*
I learnt about this 2 years ago I think the one where they like stretch you would be most painful really
I think the hanged, drawn, and quartered is the most gruesome. I remember reading about it once, and that your organs are shown to you was they were burned. Then the cut up pieces of your body would be on display to warn any other law breakers. Oh, and hanged is the correct term instead of hung.
Hey Ali. this was due like a week ago. Anyway i chose the thing-m-bob that stretches you to pieces...limb..by limb....Mwahaha. i really cant belive some people were sick and twisted enough to actually invent these torturous items..
Omg, I hated all this stuff. I think some of the teachers like it...anyway, the hung, drawn and quartered is the worst, in my opinion. Something about coming alive to find your guts hanging out......not very appealing.
The Rack would tend to produce the most agony, as they stretch you veeerrryyy ssslllooowwlllyyy. You can stay alive for hours - until your spinal cord snaps, or your arms/legs rip off, or your internal organs peel apart. There were other forms of torture, as well, such as a rat pit where rats would slowly eat you to death, or (i forget the name) where they position you over a bed of nails and slowly add weights to your back until it snaps, etc.