"Hindu Leader Wants Blizzard To Drop Symmetra's Devi Skin From Overwatch"

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Hayabusa, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Link (yes, it's Kotaku, but that's not important)

    Thought it could fit here since I found it an interesting discussion.

    What are your guys' stances on this?

    I currently don't think the skin should be removed from the game. If anything, change the name and skin tone and maybe some of the accessories. Of course I can't say that I understand where the person is coming from in saying it's a trivialization of religious beliefs, but if series like Final Fantasy have depicted figures like Shiva the way they have for decades, I don't see how this skin is all that bad (not that I think Shiva's that bad either, but again, I'm not in the same mindset...)

    I've also read other people's thoughts about the topic, stating that it shouldn't be changed because "it's art inspired by culture" rather than being posed as a depiction of that culture. And other people bring up that the game SMITE has had many similar situations, though I don't recall how Hi-Rez Studios responded to complaints.
  2. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    These kinds of things just irritate me to be honest. Just because a skin of a character is made to be based off a culture, or to resemble a culture as a whole or a singular person of said culture, or even just ends up looking like it in any way shape or form, someone has to speak out claiming that it "offends them and their beliefs". For crying out loud, it's not really hurting anything, and there are always going to be people that don't agree with skins in this kind of game. I haven't played SMITE, but I know those people are based off myths, and it doesn't seem to get as big a deal out of this.

    Now, I don't follow news related to this kind of stuff, so I wouldn't know much about it, but it is silly if you ask me. However, if the game companies are going to worry about every little complaint about their games and had to change it, it wouldn't really be "their" game anymore, because it wouldn't be how they had imagined it.
  3. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    I feel like this is the least of their worries and it's only being publicized because it's Blizzard/Overwatch. But yeah this is a supremely difficult fight to win, based on a lot of things you mentioned already. If anything is done about it, it would have to be a good-faith gesture on Blizzard's part, which I will say is not impossible. As for whether it's justified, I really have no dog in that race. I see where they're coming from, but like I said (like you said, Marushi), if that's what they're concerned about they have plenty of better places to start.
  4. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    I haven't played Overwatch myself personally. So I don't know the idea/culture of the game.

    BUT to my knowledge Shiva has different forums in many cultures. Shiva Of Destruction, Shiva of Ice and Snow and so worth. Greek mythology has been taught/revamped/pursued in MANY forms. (stories, video games, movies etc). And (personally) they don't come off offended that we utilize their, idk, past/history/ology. (I know we use other forms, not just this. Like Chinese/Asian/European 'ology too)

    BUT, Hindu believers are different to me. :/ I'm not mad/offended they want something changed in a video game (or removed like in this case). It probably means more to them, then to us. An it could be for many reasons. Maybe they just don't want this character being portray in general. Just trying it understand their point of view vs shaming them into "whats the big deal, this shouldn't be a problem". Sometimes religions outside the U.S means more to the people then we think/know.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Honestly, if Final Fantasy can do it, Overwatch doing it as well is no different. Unless they're being overtly offensive. Taking a look at the skin, I can't even see anything remotely awful about it. Not so sure about the design itself but it's just a game with no deep story behind it. Appropriating other cultures for media happens everywhere and that's totally okay. Japan for instance has more than a few instances of Christian usage in their media simply for sounding cool.
  6. British Historian Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 23, 2016
    It's one of those things, do you do whats safe or stand up for creativity? And while it stops conflict to keel over we don't break down walls and redefine standards, hopefully the developers will be un-phased and people can ask weather or not it should be really Taboo in this modern day and age.

    First post yay.
  7. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I know very, very little about Hinduism, but in cases of appropriation in general, I don't think it's really the place of people outside the culture in question to define what is appropriative of the culture and what's not. They're the ones whove been immersed in it, who have the experience, the cultural ties, and the most intimate knowledge of the various forms and varying significance these elements have in their culture.

    This is a really similar issue JK Rowling is having with regards to the North American Wizarding history, and the backlash from native/indigenous people on it. I think in general there needs to be a lot more research on the part of creative heads, and more of an effort to actually consult with people from the cultures they want to include to present the elements they want in a respectful way. There's a difference between celebrating a culture and appropriating it, and the only way to get to celebration is committing more to better methods of research and incorporation.
  8. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Since when are creativity and ""safety"" mutually exclusive?
  9. British Historian Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 23, 2016
    Its all context. I never claimed such a thing.
  10. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Kinda sounds like you think it's an either-or thing. It’s possible to be respectful of other cultures and to be creative at the same time.