I know there's a way to subscribe to threads to see when someone posts, but what i want to know is this: Is there a way for a user such as myself to hide a thread, so that i cannot see the thread i wish to have hidden?
The only thing similar to this is ignoring a user, but obviously that would hide all of their posts and isn't really ideal (unless that's what you want, of course). But no, there is no way to hide individual threads like that. If there's a thread you find objectionable, though, you should report it to the staff.
Damn, i suppose not many people would use it anyway. It's just there are some RP's that i used to be part of that either i got completely ignored in, or the owner left for a while and people took it as an opportunity to turn it into THEIR RP, instead of sticking to what it was originally about, and it's irritating me whenever someone posts in it.
Assuming you've already unsubscribed from the thread I don't think there's anything you can do ... though unsubscribing (if you are subscribed), should stop you from seeing the thread unless you are actively scanning the RP section.