I'm What?'s whiteboard, and I'm an anime. While that dolt was cleaning his room to get ready for guests tonight, he realized he left physics on his whiteboard and was too lazy to clean them off. Hahaha! What a baka. To punish him, I decided to manifest myself from an alternate reality and teach him a lesson. Now I am possessing his account while he is locked up in the closet. That wasn't my fault, by the way. He sort of locked himself up in his closet because he couldn't comprehend my existence. Please. Ask questions about the nature of your universe, for I have seen it all. Consider this your ultimate chance. I-it's not like I like a-answering them, o-or anything ...
(Psst.) (What.) (They're shipping me with your goddamn white board.) (It is not my fault you decided to pop out of that thing. And besides, you are dealing with the Spam Zone. They thrive on nonsensical comments. You shall be lucky if your little questionnaire thread gets six or so replies.) (But I can tell them all they need to know about the universe! Someone who's as cocky as you should get their ass out of the closet already and tell me how to fix this. I don't even know what a "Peace and War" is.) (Your whiteboard smells like permanent marker anyway. Disgusting pig.) (Excuse me, you are the multiversal demon who decided to possess it.) (Because of your sloth! Using this turns my face into a weird anime thing with giant fish eyes.) (It is your problem for the next fifteen minutes until I get changed.)