wow, those guys are on a roll. I don't really support their actions, but jeez that's some amazing work. They're on steriods or something today. And also, did a lot of them have stuff on megaupload? Because they attacked almost every major group that had to do with something that could be uploaded to megaupload
I saw this coming when I heard Megaupload went down. Never thought it'd be this fast, but I cannot condone the actions of these so called hacktivists either. They fight for the right thing, in the wrong way. I can only hope that this doesn't get used as ammunition against the rest of the internet. I don't want to see this place fall apart in an all out war.
Yeah, how much do you get that in this world? But they're doing it in the only way they know how, so I suppose I can respect that...well, only a little. It still causes trouble for thousands of people, so I can't fully respect everything they do. And what do you mean by megavideo? I thought it was megaupload. Did megavideo go down as well?
yeah, sometimes I think that megaupload is megavideo when I see the words. I was just worried that one of the sites I use to watch anime went down. If that had happened, I'd kinda appreciate anonymous's actions a little more(I am so messed up. I know what they're doing isn't the right thing, and yet I say this. My life is just a contradiction)
I heard that my local Hot Topic is getting a supply of t-shirts with the Anonymous logo on it. I'll be back when I get it.