
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Colby1234, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. Colby1234 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 12, 2010
    orlando flordia
    okay if you read this you think this is going to be stupid...well no.

    i have noticed that alot of my of pepole have killed them self and when you think of the reson it makes you like depressed like how gay pepole get made fun of (wich i think is stupid they are just normal pepole ) but getting to the point if you have ever heard of our know pepole that have killed them selfs please take a momment to remaber them even if you do not know them. please i ask you.
  2. Ventus PSP Aqua Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 29, 2010
    βεtwεεn ◊ȴight & Dαrƙness♦
    It is sad how people do that to themselves just because they're being bullied or just don't feel appreciated by those around them. I just hope people will realize that they need to be more nicer towards people because doing something nice even if it's little it'll make that person happy and letting them know that you care.
  3. Colby1234 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 12, 2010
    orlando flordia
    yah i know right there are tons of vids of real deaths that have happened which is very sad how they do not see all the pepole that care about them our even love....and never got the chance
  4. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    Hate to be a downer here, but having been on both ends of suicide (I've experienced the feeling when a friend and loved one do it, as well as had tried a few times in the past) I can't say it gets easy. Unfortunately its the way the world is, some of us can cope with the negativity, while I honestly believe some just weren't cut out to survive in this world. Best you can do is keep those lost in heart and not forget them. Give their deaths some meaning and learn from it.
  5. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    There's actually a lot more to depression than just people feeling bullied/unappreciated. It can be genetic, from events in life, or even without reason. Suicide can even be accidental sometimes.

    But anyway...I remember the people I've lost every day, it might sound a bit lame but...it's based off a Mandalorian tradition of reciting the names of family and close friends lost daily. I also believe in the saying "Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la", which translates roughly to "Not gone, merely marching far away". It's my way of remembering them.
  6. Colby1234 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 12, 2010
    orlando flordia
    i see.you really have tryed to comit suiside!did you think of the pepole that loved you at that momment?!
  7. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    Thats the hard part for me on the subject of depression, I have signs of it being both genetic as well as triggered from past experiences, its hard to get past things like that most of the time, but I've come to try and help as many people through it since I can understand and relate to them ^^

    Thats basically the same belief I follow nowadays, DP. It leaves a rather nice feeling deep down, no?

    Back then nothing mattered to me except how I felt and what I wanted.
  8. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I have too, came really close. When you feel that no one loves you because of how they act towards you and your life is more or less crumbling, there's not much you feel you can do. I still get depressed at times, both from past things and stuff going on in my life now. It's not a good thing but it's human - the world's not a happy or friendly place, and often when everything is going wrong it seems easier to just give up.
    For me it's mostly the past and family issues, but yeah, it's hard to deal with. I do the same thing now and I make a point to tell my friends that I'm always there for them no matter what. It's a good feeling, knowing you're making a difference in someone's life.

    Yeah, it's like you know they're gone and have accepted they're not coming back, but they're still alive in your heart.
  9. Colby1234 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 12, 2010
    orlando flordia
    wow that is really sad
  10. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Well...yeah, that's part of what causes depression. >>
  11. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    The amount of times i'v been near death ... suicidal or accidental , not many people i know cared.. i'm what most people would call.. "Black sheep" outcasted and treated diffrently.. but meh , i brush it off and im not gonna try kill myself again ^^
  12. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Mmm... It is sad, but their life is their own. At least then you know that they had a choice in the matter. The closest that I have come is considering it as an experiment. Among killing others, it is one of the more common impulses that I come across when manic or bored. It cannot be that hard to let go of inhibitions completely, as I have been in such moods before... Not to the best effect. And it is certainly a freeing concept to consider. Not knowing anyone who has committed suicide personally, though, it is a bit hard for me to sympathize. I feel that it would be better for all to commit unprovoked suicide than for one person to kill another without their consent. That has many implications on more than just death for me, but it will do here. Why do we pity the dead, though? Funerals are for the living more than the dead, and this is particularly true in such instances as these.
  13. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    I think at some point everyone feels like they want to commit sucide,for everythiing to end. I know I do. But then youve got to remember the people you love,and also those who you have loved but are now gone. No one knows what actually happens when you die,so I want to keep on living for my friends and family who have died,or left me.
  14. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I think for me there is a good possibility that depression is genetic. Considering it runs in Dad's family. Added to that that I did not have a good experience in school. I loved the schoolwork and my teachers and had a handful of friends wherever I went as I'm an extreme introvert I didn't make friends easily. But I was bullied also. I was even stalked home in Junior High.

    I realize that crying can be cathartic but one should not want to break down in tears randomly. I've woken up crying from vivid dreams of where I either kill myself or end up being killed in some gruesome manner. And as I've stated in that Dream thread, my dreams are very vivid and I remember them.

    For me now, I think it's the crushing feeling of being alone. I have family and some friends at work but...I really can't explain how it works but I just feel alone. And I just cannot stop these thoughts even if I made myself a promise that I would be there for my Niece.
  15. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I remember what it was like, trying to commit suicide, and hearing about someone else do it as well.

    It's terrible, and selfish, and just...an awful way to leave the world. I always wondered, before I was in that position, why would a person ever want to take their own life?

    And still now, I think the same way, but now I know how a person can get there, how low they can feel, like they don't matter in the world, it's all just piling up on their shoulders and they're breaking down on the inside. They begin to care less, talk less, eat less, live their life less and everything is just dissipating around them. Nothing matters anymore and you could care less. You don't think about what situation you're going to be putting other people in, consider their feelings at all, be selfish and think that no one cares about you when the truth is, there's someone there. You think they don't care, that no one does, that you're all alone in your crashing world, but believe me, there's always someone there, even more people than you expect.

    It's the worst feeling in the world, you just want it to go away and you only see one option, the end. It happens, I suppose, but it's different for everyone, including the things they leave behind.

    Bottom line, just don't do it, it's not worth the pain, physically or mentally, I don't care if you think there's not a way out - there's always a way out, for everyone. You've just got to find the right person to lead you there.
  16. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    I've tried to commit suicide once,but I couldn't do it.And i do remember who I've lost,everyday.I pray for them and think about them.And it is really sad when people commit suicide,they say no one care's about them,i think instead of thinking about the people who hate you,think of everyone who loves you.
  17. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    The incredibly easy part is giving it all up.
    The hard part is actually doing it (Not that i was afraid, it was just INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT AND TIME CONSUMING!)
    I tried many many times without anyone ever knowing (no one still does----except for who reads this I guess)

    My reason was how I was always treated by everyone from my teachers, classmates, random kids, mom, and sister (of course i was around 12 and then again at 14 so I didn't have much to vent on...or really anyone to vent to) But it always ended up with me unable to do it (mostly because knives hurt too much and I didn't know it takes over 20 minuets to strangle someone before they drop.
    Anywho, I stopped sometime after I made my guyfriends in highschool (although I still was hit by depression quite a bit)

    Bullying was the main main reason for my attempts though and of course no one cared about what happened to me- One teacher walked up in the middle of the classroom before asking them why they hated me- they then proceeded to ACTUALLY SAY why they hated me (although I didn't even know who those people and all of those reasons were the most idiotic things you could hear) He then went back to his desk and let one girl stand in front of me and say "YA HEAR THAT? NO ONE LIKES YOU!" and this was in EIGHT GRADE!

    I DO resent the fact that people didn't put stress on the bullying situation until someone's sexuality was the reason and that is the ONLY thing they're stopping people from bullying. What happened to of those other people who killed others or themselves for being abused physically and verbally by everyone around them? I see all the time that it was the main reason for messing someone up and NOT ONCE does anyone try to put a stop to it.

    Well that was a nice session of venting, I feel alot better now.