Happy New Year to all, and I wish you all happiness and good luck throughout the upcoming year. ... Okay, now that's over with, how is everyone? Did you have a good New Years Eve? How has your day been? Who got rather drunk? [:
I didn't drink so thusly I didn't get hammered. You can't properly drive a Panzer whilst intoxicated. Kol Kol Kol Kol *Goes back to plans. O Fortuna on repeat.*
I got a bit...tipsy, not too sure what I was drinking, but I think it had a little alcohol in it. Though that was enough to totally destroy me. xD;; Regretting it today. Other than that it was pretty uneventful.
Boring. Kind of boring. ...Boring. People, what is wrong with you all? I need to hear treacherous tales of how you saved the world on New Years Eve, along with the 9th dimension. Can't you all follow a simple request?
You won't think it's boring when I finally conquer the world and remake it in my vision. You will like it. Cause you won't have a choice. :3
... Well it's not like Rome was built in a day or anything. It takes money and arms to conquer the world. ...And manpower. But the plan is still in play.
Went to a party with some friends and blew fireworks up all night. I drank quite a bit but I didn't get drunk since I know my limit and I'm not stupid enough to want to get a hangover the next morning. I ate like a pig though so that's why I lasted so long.