its 1:07 AM here and I cant sleep lol, im going to regret this tomorrow. So I thought i would ask whats up? Whats new?
The roof and nothing's new! =D Well, besides my name. But that's not important since you probably don't know me. >w< I can never sleep at this time. But I hope you do get some rest soon.
Those nights where sleep is impossible....ahhh! :P I should be in bed too....8AM class tomorrow....v.v so...early Just listening to music and laying in bed......but nothing new really :) and I like your new name (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ ^^
lol thats funny I have seen you around and cool name btw. Thanks :), lol I know i should be sleeping 2 I have to be up at 7 but I get to come home at 11 and I can sleep then. :)
Haha! My class is a 2 1/2 hour lecture class (art history)....and since my professor uses powerpoint the whole time, it's in the dark......oh, I have never had trouble trying to stay awake in a class, but this class.....eeek! I have to doodle or something so I am not tempted to lay my head down >.< lol Thankfully, I have 2 hours afterward to nap until my next class ^^
Oh thank you so much again. You really are sweet. <3 Haha well I guess people do see me about. Thank you. Though I will miss me old nooby name at times. Good for you on sleep. I have no class tomorrow so I don't bother with sleep much.
You go, Wolfie! =D I just stay up for the hell of it. =^^= I only have classes on tuesday and thursday.
whats new.... 40 foot tall robot elephants that carry built-in home on their backs. they take trailer parks to new heights.
I have a guitar lesson in an hour and am dreading it... only because I can't stand my teacher any more, he makes me cry and then I feel awkward. It ruins my Mondays :B|:
implying that Mondays don't already suck Just out of curiosity, are the guitar lessons a required school thing, or do your parents just want you to do it or something? and yet another thread has been CatxEnzy-fied
Well, my Mondays are great because I only have English, one week I only have to go in for 1 lesson and the next week (we have a 2 week timetable) is double english and assembly (which is LOL let's do nothing), plus double English is with Mr Whitehurst <333 My hot teacher. Oh no, I chose to do the guitar myself, I've been playing for about 3 years now but the njoyment has just gone, I'm sticking with it until I get my grade 5 (June ;-;) and then I shall drop it. lolololol
Oh wow... being the fat Yank that I am, I barely understand any of that but I have one thing to say... ADOPT ME AND TAKE ME TO YOUR SCHOOL!!1!!!11!one!!1 Ooh, how musical. You'll have to show me your skills sometime. And I know how you feel; bowling has become nothing but a chore for me (thanks to my dad and his incessant need to nag... plus it'll force me to cut back on the fatty breakfasts from McDonalds). This'll be my last year doing it on Saturdays. TARDIS!lawlCat LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL