Our attendance is really starting to suck when it comes to the full choruses, having less than ten people right now for Shake Up Christmas. Would really appreciate it if we could get more people to participate. And those of you who are currently participating, please don't forget to turn in your lines on time. Jayn works super hard on these things and we don't need to make it harder on her.
Soon . . . soon. I just need to get a better mic first. The one thing I actually took part of was recorded on my cell phone.
I was about to sign me up to the Christmas one again this year, however, they were closed when I checked. :C But I'm look forward to be in the next one, count on me as we used to! [DOUBLEPOST=1355771458][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh I am so dumb there is a new one today kajsdhaskljhsjakdhskdkjsdajsd brb signing up
Thank you, Fearless. I appreciate this a looooot. Also, it's okay if interest in the chorus is lost. Like. It is. I'm not going to push it if interest is low, lol. Just want you to know that if that's the case, and I decide to stop doing it, I'll stop doing...everything. I wouldn't continue KN or DR or anything else. I would just stop everything all together. Chances are I'd bring it back, eventually, someday, after my VIOLENT SPIRAL DOWN INTO DEPRESSION was over. (Kidding. Not really.) But in complete honesty I can't tell if interest is just really low or if people are just really busy. We'll see how it plays out.
NOOOOO JAYN DON'T GET RID OF THE CHORUS OR KN OR DR!!! I STILL HAVEN'T HAD MY TURN FOR DR YET! Given that Christmas is pretty much next week, people are pretty busy with stuff. I know myself I can barely record things around this time because we've always got visitors and stuff. Also, and this is my fault, but Shake up Christmas and KN are due on the same day as Idol, so those who want to participate in everything are gonna have a lot on their plate. Regardless, I use KHVC and KN for my singing practice. YOU CAN'T GET RID OF IT!
I'm still interested in singing in them, i'm just waiting for myself to gain the confidence to sing in front of people. Could be a while.