ICSP - It is indeed! And it's pitch black Slytherin - ASDFGHJKL;;HG OMG I SAW YOUR KITTY AND IT'S THE CUTEST THING EVER. MY CAT AND YOUR CAT MUST BE FRIENDS. program - Oh my god you're right brb dying of laugther.
I have a cat, she's cute! welll... she would be if she wasn't the size of Garfield and a decade old... still cute! (i guess)
llave de espada - aw it's still cute! slytherin- Luna is shy too haha she hides under my bed everytime someone comes over but she doesn't have any friends :c
My cat's name is Callie, she's a calico cat. (real original, eh?) But my cat thinks she owns the place, till another animal visits, then it's absolute submission and running in fear. She's an only "child" she's not used to having friends...
hahaa yeah they sure do look unique, mine has a peach colored circle on her left shoulder, it's surrounded by white, it's sooooo cute! hahaa i love cats...
Omg we're talking about cats?! I have two cats! One of them growls at dogs and drolls while he sleeps, while the other one is SATAN. I'm actually not kidding, one of my cats is posessed by the devil.
A prego street cat dumped it's kittens in front of my house (again). I swear, this happens every summer and I have to deal with all the damn meowing throughout the night.