Hmm, let's see Green Arrow, Batman, Green Lantern, and Superman are taken... So I'd say KHV is the internet version of Power Girl.
I would say its more like the Hulk. When one thing goes wrong, or someone gets upset, it causes a giant shit storm for everything in its path.
Aquaman's power isn't to control fish, they are to control all life in the sea. You have any idea how much life is in a single mile of ocean?
Aquaman is Japan's most popular superhero. He has saved them countless times from Godzilla. ...I prefer Aquaman+Godzilla over Aquaman+Cthulhu. Also, damn I got six likes for that one post.
It's technically to control all sealife, yes, but Cthulhu is supposed to be from the stars. I doubt he'd be able to control him. Plus it's not so much controlling sea life so much as asking it to help.
Not to mention that earlier he took on a speeding armored truck with his trident and flipped over his head without being pushed back. Then he took a bullet to the head and it just nicked him. Then he leaped over buildings.