Hero vs. Hero. Wide-area Video Game crossover

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by BaseSebastian, Mar 8, 2009.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City

    Zola. Quite possibly the worst right-hand man to ever have in any galazy, anywhere in the Universe. Fowl smelling, cunning, power-hungry, and a sabetour, he had helped bring many worlds to its knees by taking out their most prized Heroes. He was, by no means, an impressive alien. Tall and incredulously lanky, he maintained only one power. The ability to teleport one being from one place, and put them in another. He used this power for none other, than the most powerful Tyrant in the known Universe, Mazer. His blue, reptilian scaled skin was quickly turning purple, a taletell sign of worriment in his species, and this also showed in his large Black, saucer-sized eyes. He rolled his two taloned fingers on his desk, thinking of his life no doubt soon coming to an end.

    Mazer lived off the souls of Heroes fallen. For the past Bicentury, Zola had sustained the powerful being, but now, candidates were running low. Zola knew that in the throes of his death, Mazer would call for Zola, and devour him before he died himself. Zola thought of the numerous Heroes who were forced to do battle against each other, each believing their Hero bretheren from other worlds were themselves Villians. These Heroes would kill each other off, until only one remained. Then, "The Victor", would be brought to the "King" to "accept his prize." The prize being swallowed whole by the gigantic, bestial Ruler of Slum City. In his thoughts, he did not realize he was biting his extremely thin lips, and when your teeth were rows of sharp daggers, you would draw blood this way. Grabbing a nearby tissue to soak up his slowly draining green blood, he sighed heavily. His Master Mazer would die in exactly One Month. Even if he could gather a batch of victims, Zola would also have to make sure they would all die out in less than One month.

    "Dast this acursed machine!" Zola cursed the large moniter in front of him. The machine was supposed to search out Heroes and their locations, so that Zola could bring them to Slum City. "I am doomed for sure!" He pounded one weak fist on the keyboard. In latent terms, doing this was never a good venture.

    The machine began to work double the time it usually did, destroying all previous recorded data of devoured victims, but to Zola's great astonishment, also brought up the pictures of a dozen Heroes in action. His prayers to the Dark Polns had been answered! There were enough Heroes on this list to sustain his Master for at least half a century. Certainly long enough to look for even more Heroes in the mean time. The problem with the Hero finding machine, was that it usually only found a Candidate every five years. This stroke of luck would not last long. Quickly, Zola began searching through the specs on each Hero, three of which Heroines, and beared his dangerous smile.

    Pressing the the intercommunication button, Zola bent over his tall frame to speak into a sparkling glass tube resembling a fully-flowered plant. "Master Mazer...?" Zola spoke with slight fear, his gravely voice raising a pitch half-sentence. There was no garuntee Mazer would answer right away, but this time, luck was on Zola's side.

    "Yes,........Zola?" Bellowed the deep, omnious voice of one who was both very large, very evil, and possibly even very Corbulent.

    "I have found exactly twelve meals for your gloriousness. Shall I bring them here...?"

    "Yes.....my core grows weaker, my Servant......Bring them now......Bring me......more Heroes!"

    Kingdom hearts
    Jak and Daxter
    Super Mario
    Legend of Zelda
    Beyond Good and Evil
    To be cont.

    Playable Cast:
    Slum City Denizens:
    Zola- BaseSebastian
    Esta the Banker-
    Pasdel the Car dealer-
    Froyt the Arms Dealer-
    Grone the Bartender-

    Hero 1-Sora-
    Hero 2-Nathan "Nate" Drake- BaseSebastian
    Hero 3-Jak/Daxter- BaseSebastian
    Hero 4-Spyro the Dragon-
    Hero 5-Mario-
    Hero 6-Wolverine/Gambit-
    Hero 7-Link-
    Hero 8-Shauni(Jade)-

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