Here's a story of how I used computer science to own my daily life

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Always Dance, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009

    So I'm doing my driving school online, which basically works like a textbook where you read it page by page, then take a test at the end of each chapter.

    The annoying and frankly condescending thing is that there's a timer at the bottom of each page that you must let run out before you go to the next page. This is insanely frustrating. At one point I read a page in about one minute, and had to wait an additional FOURTEEN before I could go to the next page.

    "I will not stand for this," Said I, "For I am a computer science major".

    So I used Chrome's inspect element feature to find out that the button to go to the next page calls a Javascript function, continueNextPage();
    I then used the script viewing feature to find out that this function checks the boolean function "dunn". I check out THAT function and finds that it checks if vTotalTime, the amount of time I've spent on a page, is greater than a variable vTimeReq, the required time. So I used the console and typed in the line "vTimeReq=1;", making it so I only have to spend 1 second on the page. Lo and behold, the variable isn't private, it works! So now all I have to do is open the console and type "vTimeReq=1;" on every page. But wait, that's no fun. So I made a bookmark with the field "javascript:vTimeReq=1;continueNextPage();". Every time I click this bookmark it takes me right to the next page.

    Daily life = Owned.

  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    See kids, stuf you learn in school is usefu- *shot*