so i just finished an amv but it won't upload becasuse it says the clips that i used as a formatting error and i can't read them. i did get all the clips from this sight. does anyone have any idea on how to fix it without deleting the clips all together? i really don't want to start it over again
_MOVED To Technology. A common error with WMM is trying to use the project file, instead of rendering it. Ensure you go to File -> Save Movie File...
Last I checked WMM gives you the grand selection of two codecs, both pre-installed on windows. I would first open the video in Windows Media Player to make sure it plays there. If it does your video file is okay (assuming you didn't change anything like the file extension). Sometimes it is just a matter of a server issue that you need to wait out.
What version do you have? If you have 2.6 the files needs to be in avi format. If you have Windows Live Messenger the best file to work on it is mp4. If using wlmm go to save movie and select for computer.