Hey there! I need HELP! So I registred in You Tube to participate the Top 5 of here. I already had done many videos so I think it could be time to upload them to You Tube and try Top 5. But then something happened... When I tried to upload my videos, YouTube ALWAYS says to me: "An error has occurred while reading the uploaded file. Please make sure the file can be opened and read on your computer, then try uploading again." So I check the video and it's working. It plays on my Windows Player Media normally. But I tried again and it says to me that same thing. Does anyone could help me please??? What should I do???
I'm trying not to sound stupid or make you look stupid here but are you sure you are uploading the correct file? Sometimes I name my videos and editing files the same and accidently click the wrong one.
What program are you using to make the videos? What file format are you exporting them as (i.e. WMV, MP4, AVI, etc)?
Don't worry Ace sometimes I think I'm stupid. xD Well, I'm using the Windows Live Movie Maker and the videos are ".WMV".
That's the type my videos use, and they upload fine. Do you get the error message before uploading or after uploading (as in, it uploads, but never processes)?
In the begin of the upload, during it. i give some minutes and my options to the video (Name, discription, key words etc) closes and this mensage in red shows up.
I think I know what you're talking about. I've gotten that before, and I simply try again, and it works.
I already tried it again 5 times. all the 6 times it doesn't go... I'll try it now again. If I don't be back with "YEAHHH IT WORKED YOU'RE GREAT AMAURY" the file doens't go again...
Well WMV only supports WMV codecs, which we know YouTube supports. So the issue has to be something else about the file (I wish the error message was more specific) If you don't mind installing software, use MediaInfo to look at the file. If you don't see anything, or aren't really sure what you are looking at, post up the text view and we'll take a look at what might be strange.
Remember when I said to Ace that sometimes I think I'm really stupid? Here go: Sorry guys but I'm so stupid I'm don't know what cookies or caches are. When I close the kh-vids it says my cookies are cleared. But my english can be bad: Cookies aren't sometings you eat? (Here in brazil we probaly use another word to it...) Laugh at me And Mixt what exactly the MediaInfo do? It do a complete scan about the file or something like that? I don't mind download softwares, but I have to wait my brother, the admistrator of the computer arrived in home to get his password to download. -You Tube: Your video is being summit! 3% Time left: 415min... I think it will get the error in 10-30 minutes. EDIT: RECORD! Just 3 minutes to error shows up!
Cookies are something on the internet that saves what you have put in search boxes. They are what make the adds on youtube have something similar to what you searched into it. Ummm 415 minutes. How big of a file are you loading into youtube? To check this right click on the file wherever it is on you computer and select properties. It should say on the window that pops up.
Cookies can refer to both the food and a type of file on your computer. Computer cookies are what allow the "remember me" feature on KHV when you log in. A cache is used to store information about web pages you've visited. The cache helps in having pages load faster and such, but every so often your computer may reference the cache when you don't want it to leading to some strange results. How you clear them varies depending on what browser you are using (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari...) MediaInfo could be said to "scan" the file. It will tell you various technical information about the file such as file type, codec, resolution, bit rate, and so on.
Oh I see... I'll search for MediaInfo tomorrow (it's already 9:55pm), then i'll pass the infos. And Ace my video has 5:34 minutes, 193.507.405 bytes, 184 MB. But you know Ace, you give a ideia! I'll try another video. The shorter. :)
Okay, there's something definitely wrong here, from what I can see. I've got a video with a duration of 23:42 and another video with a duration of 32:20. The 23:42 one is 150 MB and the 32:20 one is 204 MB. Your video duration of 5:34 shouldn't be that big in size.
There is more to the file size than length. Resolution for one can make a huge difference in the size. We'll see what's up when he posts the file info.
Really?! Dude you're right there's something really weird here! I tried upload another video (the shortest one): Name: TVCM 15secs version Format: WMV Leigh (I don't know how to write, it's the time) 17 SECS (yes, it's a OST very short) Bytes: 2,13 MB (2.242.157 bytes) I tried to upload this one, but "The server has rejected the file. Please follow these steps and upload the file again." Then I hit "follow these steps": "The most common cause of this error is invalid information in the video file name. Ensure that you are using standard characters and naming conventions, and file types for your upload." And it says "The most reliable way to upload video to YouTube is by using Google Chrome or Firefox 4 or higher as your browser." I use Windows Internet Explorer. Here's another video to compare: Name: Simple and Clean Format: .wmv Time: 2:40 Byte: 133 MB (140.260.556 bytes) I use the videos from here, some affects. I don't know if there's something to connect about this. What do you guys think? Hey guys the Youtube is doing the upload! I don't know why yesterday wasn't going... I'll tell tomorrow if the video enter or no. Wish me luck! =] PS: 50%, it'll take a looong time...
Yeahhh it worked you're great amaury Hey Amaury you were right, it was just the day before yesterday that the video wasn't going. I came back to my house at night yesterday and start to upload the video, for my surprise it worked! I hope this never happen again, to anyone. >_< Thanks everyone for the help! :D