when i put 2 different pics on gimp i can altarnate between them, i can only edit the one i put last,i need help
The images may be overlapping each other. In order to edit an image AND see what you're doing, just click the eye on the image you DON'T want to see, then that should hide it/make it invisible so you could see the image in the layer you want to work on.
Oh simply right click on one of the pictures, go down where it says merge down. Then, you got one image. did that help?
It depend on what you are trying to do here. If you want the images overlaying then you need to go to the Layers Dialouge that plumbs pointed out. The layer highlighted in Blue is the active layer and any changes you make will be to that, you can change active layers by clicking a new one in the list. Additionally to that if you are trying to "erase though" to see the lower image but get white, you need to right click the current layer and selecet "Add Alpha Chanel" (or a line to that effect, I'm working off memory here. If you want the two side by side, then you will need to go to go to the top of the main window (or right click within the window) select "Image" and then "Canvas Size" and then change the width/hight so that both will fit. I think that covers the bare bones basics of using layers. If you still have questions don't hesitate to ask