Alright, i know how to make a GIF all i need is a better way to get the pictures that i need. someone once mentioned a way to be watching a video in the background and somehow have Paint take stills of the video. i don't know if this is true and i doubt it is. anyone know a quick, easy, and satisfactory way of capturing stills of a video?
Well, I suggest that you go on to a website called Spoiler (there, you can download any youtube videos for free, after registering, of course). After downloading, go onto WMM and pause the video at certain times if you want it apart of your GIF and then you press the little picture icon (it looks like a camera) under the little display thing that you watch your videos on. This just takes stills of the part of the video that you paused. Play the video, stop it immediately, and take a still. Do this several times until you got the pics you wanted for the GIF. Then, import the pics into your GIF program, do what you want with it and that's it.
Sorry. There probably isn't. A GIF is basically a bunch of stills put together to make one moving image. So, of course it's gonna be a bit time consuming if you want to make a long one.
If you already have the video on your computer, you can use a video player called Media Player Classic. It can easily take high quality snapshots of any frame of the video as a BMP file.
No, I use a completely different method. I use a program called VirtualDub, together with another program called Animation Shop to get my screens. Media player's screenshots are of lower quality because it takes its screens as rendered by a video codec. While VirtualDub and Animation Shop creates a image from the source, not optimized for playback.