Help needed! Devil May Cry 4: STORY

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by rIkUsBlaD3_999, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. rIkUsBlaD3_999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 1, 2008
    Twilight Town
    I'm very soon going to be getting Devil May Cry 4 for the Xbox 360, but I have not played any of the previous games in the series. If anyone could write me a quick summary of the first 3 games and a quick plot summary of DMC4, then that would be really nice. :)
  2. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
  3. rIkUsBlaD3_999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 1, 2008
    Twilight Town
  4. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Not able to. I'd close it but no power here.
  5. TheLightIsGone123 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    My Own Plastic Beach
    ahh but you forget wikipedia is false a lot of the time.
  6. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Lol, that's just stupidity. Wiki is right 99.999999999% of the time. When the head's find something wrong, they shut down the entire site until it's fixed or proven right.
  7. TheLightIsGone123 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    My Own Plastic Beach
    ok 9/10 of my research papers that ive used wiki on have had false info. So unless all my teachers are just plain ******s im guessing that the site has a some wrong info on it. i dont want to argue its two oppinons on something. end of story
  8. rIkUsBlaD3_999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 1, 2008
    Twilight Town

    i feel really stupid right now. wikipedia is obvious.

    and i dont really wanna cause a gigantic argument about whether its right all the time or not lol
  9. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Beat DMC4 and you'll get a 30 min slideshow movie on the previous 3 games.

    That's the fun way to do it.

    (Wiki is actually pretty accurate. Teachers say it aint good cause anyone can edit anything. But most people have lives and if anything is changed, you'll pick it up quickly.)
  10. rIkUsBlaD3_999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 1, 2008
    Twilight Town
    arr yes....
    but then i'll have to spend the whole game not knowing anything about the storyline, and i'll only work it out after the game, when ive watched the slideshow.
    but ah well.
    wikipedia seems 2 have helped me ok.
  11. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    I bet I can summarize it much clearer than Wikipedia. First DMC3 and then maybe others.
    Sparda made sweet love to a blonde and mysteriously died. This is not suspicious. The blonde had either twins or triplets and then misteriously died. This is not suspicious, especially the triplet business that is not apparent at this time. Anyway, one of the twins grew up to be a kawaii silver-haired boy who fights shirtless with a massive sword, named Dante. One of thme grew up to be a badass samurai that is mysteriously good at fistfighting, named Vergil. The third (?) grew up to be an emo cultist with a hawt opera chick and her badass goatee brother, named Nero. He will not be heard of for years. Anyay, Vergil decided he needs moar powah, and enlisted the aid of a bald person he met in a library. This is not suspicious. Then the bald man left Vergil to fight lots of demons while he went to see Dante. This is also not suspicious. Dante killz the demons with skillz and pizza before donning his coat and leaving for 20 missions of demon-slaying. Manwhile, Vergil mysteriously appears at the top of the just-aaked Temen-Ni-Gru tower. Suddenly Arkham is there as well, despite being at Dante's just a few minutes ago. This is really not suspicious. Down on the ground the DMC series' first and only non-hussy female character shows up on a motorbike. She meets Dante after he kills an overgrown puppy and shoots him in the face with a rocket launcher. As you do. Dante then rides it around the room and jumps off to let it explode against the wall. As you do. Then she jumps her motorbike into the gap and rides off. As you do. Later she meets up with Arkham and Arkahm conveniently reveals that he is her FATHAH!. A few missions later, Dante meets the crazay character, Jester, who can apparently dance to dodge bullets and is incredibly annoying. he seems pretty plotless, and if you have Special Edition you can poind his ass in a boss fight! Flaming cans of awsome! When Dante is almost at the top, the motorbike chick flys past, as her father had thrown her off a several-mile-high tower. As you do. Dante catches her, this is not suspicious, and after some foreplay she shoots him in the head. Dante is shocked to find that a woman can resist his kawaii factor and runs off. Dante shows up on top of Temen-Ni-Gru. It is now night-time and raining, with a massive moon in the sky despite it being afternoon an hour ago. This is really not suspicious. Anyway, he and Vergil tough-talk and Dante gets his ass whooped despite Vergil 1 being really easy once you see how damn slow his attacks are. Anyways, Vergil taks Dante's bling which was given to him by his mother so it can match Vergil's bling. Vergil then decides to go stabbity stabbity on Dante, which awakens Dante's Devil Trigger powah. This is not suspicous. Vergil and the mysteriously-appeared Arkham jump off he tower, and Dante jumps off as well. He fights a crapload of gargoyles on the way down and is eated by a flying whale. That is not suspicous. He spends a whole mission inside Monstro with that creepy man Gepetto before having a boss fight with the whale's heart and jumping out its eye and landing right next to the motorbike chick. This is not convenient. They decide to start shooting at some conveniently placed demons and Dante gives the chick a name. Lady. Isn't that a dog's name? Anyways, Dante leaves Lady to fight the demons alone like tha a-hole he is and runs off to fight a demon vampire courtesan in an opera house, who gives him a guitar when she dies. I wish that happened to me :3. Anyhoo, he meets Jester again, the annoying b-word, after fighting a demonic, anthropomophic wolf with light powers. conveniently enough, the demon runs off claiming to rid the world of the smell of Sparda's blood. Good thing he can't smell Fortuna, or we'd have some spoilers! XD. Anyhoo, Dante gets infinite Devil trigger for a mission. He sees Arkham's body where Vergil stabbed the traitorous b-word and left him. Lady shows up and attacks Dante while screaming about Akrham being her FATHAH! Dnate leaves and Arkham wakes up to tell Lady some B.S. about Vergil possessing him. Riiiiiight. Lady gets pissed and charges off. Dante finally gets to the basement where Vergil has killed the demon Dante fought earlier, which conveniently managed to confirm that Vergil and Dante are brothers before dying. After another epic boss battle, Dante defeats Vergil 2 and it ends in a draw! Shock, horror! Lady shows up as the brothers fight to exhaustion and decides to stick her massive canno into the mix. (Innuendo, ewww.) Jester shows up and reveals his Marty Stu nature by kicking both Sparda asses and reveals himself to be Arkham, who has musteriously come back to life. This is not suspicious. Jester stabzorz Lady and tell tthem all about the missing ingredient in breaking the spell that seperates the demon and human world. Turns out Lady is the daughter of a priestess that was part of the spell. This is really not convenient. Thank god none of the Order of the Sword had to go through this crap to break the seal in Devil May Cry 4. Anyhoo, Arkahm pwnzorz everyone and Vergil disappears into a convenient hole while Lady finally stops trying to kill Dante and they both start a race to the top. Dante is forced to leave the tower and finds Lady's motorbike. This is not convenient. He rides it straight up the side of the tower. This is not suspicious. He uses it to kill a few demons even when his sword would have worked and it explodes. Anyhoo, he get to a library where Lady has conveniently stopped to rest. Dante does some d-waving and Lady decides to try and kill him again. Dante of course beats her down and trys to pull moves on her. She finally stops angsting long enough to give him her rocket-launcher which is very usefull in an upcoming boss fight. So Dante enters the Demon world and spends ages trying to find Arkham, who has taken the POWAH OF SPARDAAAAA! Anyhoo, while Lady is angsting quietly in the library Vergil walks past her, but she's too busy being emo to notice. God, she and Nero would hit it off in an instant. Anyhoo, Dante starts fighting Arkham after some more d-waving and is mysteriously too weak to kill Arkham alone. Of course, Vergil in his bishie goodness hops down and saves Dante. The sons of Sparda open some flaming cans of awsome and kill Arkham with a super gun shot activated by the world's gayest cacth prhase; "Jackpot!". Anyhoo, Arkham is chucked on his ass back into the human world and Vergil tries to grab his FATHA's sword for the POWAH OF SPARDAAAA! Dante jumps into the tiny hole behind Vergil. Lady finds Arkham on his ass on top of the tower and finally ends her angsting by shooting the a-hole in the head like six times. Meanwhile, Dante and Vergil each take their repsective pieces of bling and Vergil is left without the complete POWAH OF SPARDAAAAA! Dante launches into a monalogue about how they have the blood and sould of SPARDAAAA! and Dante said, "And now... my soul is saying it wants to STOP YOU!". They have an epic fight and it ends with VERGIL LOSING! Phangirls commit suicide. After the dramatic last slash that Vergil loses, he takes his bling and buggers off into the demon world. Dante takes the sword that is the POWAH OF SPARDAAAA! that Vergil mysteirously left behind and buggers off into the human world. Lady has finally stopped angsting and notices that Dante is crying like a little girl about vergil 'dying'. She says the series' title and the two fight demons during the credits. After the credits Dante opens Devil May Cry and Lady mysteriously buggers off for the duration of Devil May Cry 1 and returns for the anime and Devil May Cry 4. Vergil wakes up in the demon world and despite being wounded and exhausted, decides that it's a good idea to attack the ruler of the demon world. Verge is a smart cookie :p.
    Well, can't get clearer than that :p.
  12. rIkUsBlaD3_999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 1, 2008
    Twilight Town

    well that was definitely very clear. clearer than wiki.
    but some of it i think was made up...(not sure??? :S)

    i now understand the thing about the three brothers, so thankyou.

    you may have just copied it from somewhere or w/e but i thank you very much it was helpful!!! :)
  13. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Naw, it's all me! Well, the 'this is not suspicious' catchphrase is not mine, but the rest is. And the wierd thing is, this is actually a really good summary of it. I wonder if I should do DMC4... *evil grin*
  14. rIkUsBlaD3_999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 1, 2008
    Twilight Town
    well if u do i wont read it