I'm stuck on my newest 'fic. Basically, I think Demyx got my brain jammed. So, help and suggestions would be appreciated =D. “Okay.†I whispered, Demyx seized my arm and we ran for it around the back of the car and into an alleyway. “I’m gonna have to call for backup, Strife. Wait here.†Demyx muttered, pulling a gun out of his pocket and checking our exit path. “Aquais, where did you get the gun?†I asked, we were both keeping our voices professional and only referring to each other by our surnames. “Standard issue, Strife. You still got a lot to learn in this field.†Demyx informed me, now pushing a speed dial button. “Right we’re safe, for now.†Demyx breathed slipping down to the floor beside me, “We’re just waiting on backup….could take a while though.†About fifteen minutes later we heard footsteps approaching from our escape route. Once again, Demyx ran up with the gun and this time he held his gun to somebody’s head, with another gun held onto Demyx’s head. “Lower the weapon.†The stranger said to Demyx. “Either lower yours or identify yourself!†Demyx shouted at the guy who had told him to lower his weapon. “There’s no need for this, Aquais. I’m in full uniform and I have my tags. Lower the weapon.†The guy said again. Demyx did as he was told. “Alright Saitou, but I had to check.†Demyx said, letting the guy in. “Hey Strife.†I looked up, it was Zexion. “Hey…your surname’s Saitou?†I asked. “Yeah, and…?†“Are you related to Michiyo?†“She’s my sister. Now let’s get out of here.†Summary: Demyx has just saved Rubie Strife (his best friend) from another kidnap attempt. Demyx, being a Turk, takes Rubie down a street alley to save her and calls his Turk partner for back-up. Rubie is worried about getting to the church on time for Cloud's wedding to Tifa so is steadily getting more impatient.... I just need to put that into words.