I have no idea where I would find a jacket similar to Quicksilver's as seen here: http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/20...r12/longform-original-17227-1427405383-24.jpg Trying to put together a quicksilver Cosplay, and I dislike him in Days of Future Past so i'm trying to stray away from him, even if I like his outfit
Have you googled for it? Come on, man. You got to at least liked his scene where he slowed down time and with Time In a Bottle played. That scene was awesome
I have. All I get is his final battle costume and even if I can afford that it wouldn't arrive until June, past when I need it. I did like that one scene, everything else about him annoyed me. He just didn't seem like Quicksilver to me for whatever reason.
>disliking dofp quicksilver it looks like it's made to look like a generic sports jacket. so you could probably buy any old adidas windbreaker and get away with it. i doubt you'll find it exactly bc it looks custom but maybe theres someone out there with legit clothes-making skills who's made one just like it. but im just some guy talking about something he knows nothing about. best to go out and research it for yourself. quicksilver didn't really have a costume in either movie. just slap on some exercise gear, dye your hair silver/blonde and your gtg.
So I went to the thrift store today to see what I could do and I found a decent shirt that I think resembles his style in Age of Ultron well enough that I can get away with it once I have my wig. First: Quicksilver in Age of Ultron so that we can compare Spoiler: The Speedster Now me in the shirt I got Can I pull off the look with a wig, KHV? :P
I like it. It actually looks like one of the original concept arts for Quicksilver in AoU that I saw. Though if I were you, I'd try to shrink it just a little bit. It needs to look tighter (reason I don't cosplay? No muscle <<)
I actually looked up his concept art after I got this and I thought the same thing. As for the tightness, I have a couple shirts I can wear under this. Right now I'm just thankful I found something in my size-
Wait, so Scarlet Witch is cross-dressing as Quicksilver? There's an Avengers: DISASSEMBLED sequel here somewhere
This reminds me that I've never liked Quicksilver's costumes, at least all the ones I've seen. I wouldn't even call what he wears in the Days of Future Past and Age of Ultron films "costumes," which is why I'm ok with them.