I joined this site hoping to learn some info on KH2:FM+, since, I don't exactly live in Japan. Can't read Japanese either, so no point of me ordering it and fiddling with it. Hell, I'd probably blow something up, I'm not a very technical guy. So, when I was looking through the arts and graphics section, ooing and aweing the many totally awesome renders/siggys/avatars (after I learned what they meant, of course), I got the crazy idea to try to do some of this stuff myself. I downloaded Gimp (I thought the name sounded cool), checked out a few tuts, and tried to render a pic of the kick *** old guy (from the secret ending in KH2:FM+) I took using WMM. Its nothing great, but since its my first, could you rate it for me? I thought it was fun, although I didn't do so good. I'll probably do a lot more of these. A lot better than rebeating KH, KH:CoM, or KH2 (which is almost all that I've done all summer. See how many times I can max stats and **** within 2 months.) Oh yeah, to stop this from happening too much, I know I effed up the fingers in several spots... He's so decrepit, and his fingers are all crooked, it was kinda hard to get it right. This render took me about 35 minutes to make, but, I was reading a tut on how to render while doing it, so....xD P.S. Any mods reading this... Am I posting this in the wrong section? I'm not sure, since I've never done this before. If it is in the wrong section, would you kindly move it to where it goes? Thanks in advance. EvIL...
Stock = </3 The quality is horrible. Check out the images that Crisp has posted, they're amazing. Renders have Transparent backgrounds, so get rid of the red. The cut isn't all that bad, but it needs to be Feathered badly. Once you've gotten rid of the red, go to Layers > Transparency > Alpha to Selection. Then, go to Slect > Feather. Feather it by a few pixels, then go to Select > Invert. After that, go to Edit> Clear.
Not bad for a beginner. I really didn't expect anything better. Save it as a png with a transparent background. And follow Mistehz idea, that's important.