This sort of post irritates me greatly. Similarly to how one does not txt-tlk outside of cell phones, one should not use *chan conventions outside of a *chan.
Sign of a noob, my friend. Anyway. YOU WHORE SHOULDN'T YOU BE MAKING A SANDWICH SOMEWHERE? Hi auntie I really really miss you
Wolfie I MISS YOU MORE GOSHDARNIT ;-; <3333 it makes me happy I'm not forgotten and someone still remembers me. =)
I miss you too ;____; we need to talk moar I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU See, one of the reasons we make sec mods bleed/be red is so they get rid off the noob flowing in them *shot*
This is what it feels like when a deer lies down in front of a hunter. You want to take the shot, but at the same time, there's just no challenge in it.