As I walk through the bustling crowds of the fair, I hear laughter and joyous things all around me. I am surrounded by scents of great food and sights of good times. High above me, a single red orb floats daintily in the sky. A little boy has slipped up and let go of his balloon, and he cries desperately for it back. He cries, despite all the wonderful things going on around him, over an easily replaceable balloon. I would so much like to pick that balloon out of the sky for him, to see the tears dry up and his face light up with glee that reflects those around us. But it is much too far into heaven, it's probably touching the ceiling of the sky by now. So I just walk through the crowd and leave the crying child to be. I walk away from the fair, from all the joyous lights and sights and sounds, and walk on my way past a funeral. Everyone bows their heads as the coffin is lowered into the ground, as if they would rather follow them into the grave then stand where they are, with their clothes almost darker than their emotions. I stop in respect, a life has been lost here, and I would so like to bring it back to stop the mourning of these people that would so like them back. But that life must be much too far up into heaven, it's probably touching the ceiling of the sky by now. So I just go on my own way and leave the mourners to mourn their beloved. There's nothing I can do.
Now that's something special :'D Nice job Tsufo-tissisi-somag/ You know what? **** your name....Nice job thoughxD
This was very philosophical in nature.That said it is kinda depressing, but the good thing is that it only conveyed that because it was written well. My personal opinion is that yor style is pretty solid for this type of piece. You wrote it as if knew what you were doing, as if you had a specific purpose planned for everything involved. That is good, everything should seem intentional when you write, nothing should be a mistake and I don't feel like I saw any.