Video Hearts Never Cry

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by DarknessKingdom, Oct 11, 2006.

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  1. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
  2. WarpObscura Traverse Town Homebody

    Hmm... Your use of "Feel the sorrow the light has swallowed" was most certainly ironic. I also believe you could have switched out a new scene with every instance of "The eye can see". I would say "needs some Gameplay" but I say that to everyone so nyah.

    The credit bits were from... Are they from Vermillion Phantasm?
  3. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    LOL. Yeh, the ending credits were from Vermillion Phantasm since I plan to use the video gameplay for my next AMV. Of course, I will acknowledge the gamer (forgotten his name) for the gameplay. I could never play like that lol.

    I focused my AMV more on cutscenes then gameplay and I also didn't want to put too many scenes (although there are quite a few) that would confuse the viewer and say it was too fast, if you get what I mean.
  4. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    It wasn't bad, your timing was a whole was good, though there were many missed oppourunties, especailly at the beginning, but you did hit quite a few good notes. Scene selection was good it fitted the song well. Though i would say it wasn't the best song choice, it didn't really go with Kingdom Hearts all that well, it spoilted it for me a bit.

    Overall, it was a good AMV, you just need to touch up on timing and song choice

    7.0/10 - Good AMV
  5. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Thanks for your comments, Darkandroid, and will be taken into account.

    Yeh, now that I look at it, there were quite a lot of spots that I missed in timing though the song. What I used was just something that I've wanted to use with Kingdom Hearts for a long time but I admit, it dosen't match Kingdom Hearts but more of the scenes.

    Again, thanks, for your helpful comments.
  6. WarpObscura Traverse Town Homebody

    I kinda figured that much. The fellow's name is "Ethereal S". I suppose you have seen his other two DMC3 vids?

    I guess that was the case, but it did seem to detract.

    That is how many Devils Never Cry already? Someone has already used "Nobodies Never Cry" and I wanted to use that title... Curse him! :mad:

    You did get my PM, right?
  7. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Yeah, I got your PM and I also wanted to use 'Nobodies Never Cry' but I thought that kinda already has been done so I thought of 'Hearts' instead.

    Ah yes, 'Ethereal S'! That's the gamer's name! That's twice in 1 day that my memory has failed me! :p

    Finally, yes, I know there are alot of AMV's on Devils Never Cry but I made this AMV out of enjoyment and for using this song. Whilst some will say that my song lacks originality, I make AMV's again, for enjoyment.
  8. WarpObscura Traverse Town Homebody

    Enjoy the full version of Devils Never Cry then.

    I was not criticising your choice of music, by the way, merely lamenting that somebody got to "Nobodies Never Cry" before me. Ah well.
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