So I heard of this thing called Heartbleed. I only got the gist of it, but it's basically some hacker who hacked HTTPS, which is the thing that makes sites and passwords and private information safe from hacking (I think). Yeah. Anyways, I was just wondering how it affects this site. Should I change my password or what?
No, Heartbleed isn't a hacker. Heartbleed is a bug in OpenSSL. If the bug is exploited, it allows external parties to extract data from a server’s working memory in 64 kilobyte chunks. The bug has been patched on most websites now. But if you got SSL errors yesterday and didn't add exceptions for the sites that were throwing them, you should be ok. Not sure about the status of this on KHV.
KH-Vids does not use SSL for its logins so Heartbleed will not affect us. That said, if you use the same password on other sites that you use for KHV, I recommended that you change it on here.